As they waved in return, Jane said to Lamuel, "Pa, isn't that the suit that Cynthia bought for Junior two years ago?"

"Yes mother, I believe so, I also recalled he said that he loves it very much."

"That he did, but didn't he also say he will wear it the day he will be meeting the young lady he likes to be his wife."

Both chuckle as they watch him as he steps through the door when Lamuel smiles and said, "Our daughter feels she is cunning, but our grandson is way ahead of her I hope it will be very soon when we will meet our granddaughter-in-law."

"I hope so too dear, and I believe you are right, we should not burst her bubble, you already heard how she spoke with him last night, poor thing he must be so embarrassed."

"I agree, she is sometimes very demanding and he is young, from what I observed last night and from the last time we were here, he has matured quite a bit and has taken on his responsibility very seriously. We should watch and see how he progresses before enlightening her."

"You my dear are very wise as always, and you have my full support."

Jane felt Lamuel's hand on hers as he gently stroked the middle of her palm. With that, both of them stood up and return to the guest room.

Brent was the first to reach the Larson building. It was a few minutes before eight, 'he knows on a Saturday most of the workers display a lack of interest. They believe it should be the day to get an extra hour of rest, so they take an extra fifteen minutes and comes in for eight fifteen.'

When the security guard sees him drive-in, he greeted him with a welcoming smile. "Sir, you are very early today so I will escort you to your office."

Brent knew his two assistants always were at his beck and call, but recently they seem to be occupied with some personal matters, and he was happy for the alone time.

Sitting now in the office observing the mountain of files he had neglected to deal with for the entire week, he rests his feet on top of his desk and relaxes with his eyes close.

The morning seems to linger on and he had no zeal to work, he knew he came in earlier just to avoid his mom. When he opened his eyes his cup of coffee was sitting on his desk and it was not steaming hot as he likes it.

Brent did not hear when Miss John brought his coffee, checking his time it was only eight forty-five. 'I must have fallen asleep for forty-five minutes because I didn't sleep well last night.'

He immediately notices another stack of files together with the pile when he enters his office. With Jessy on his mind, he was unable to concentrate on the task at hand just only thinking about meeting her today
