Checking his time for the umpteen times, Brent eventually decided to ignore the time and get on with the immediate task at hand. 'Maybe if I focus on the work the time will speed up.'

Being caught up in his work when his secretary knocked and entered, "Sir, I have contacted everyone as you requested earlier, only Thomas and Andy haven't picked up but I left them a message, and Sir, your two able assistants called and said they will be in by lunchtime."

Lystra was pleased with her effort when she heard him say, "Excellent job, now I will be leaving the office for ten, and according to how things go I will return after lunch for the meeting at one."

Lystra was shocked when she heard what he said, 'Oh dear God, I swear he said the meeting was eleven, now he is saying the meeting is for one?'

Becoming angry with herself before making such a big blunder, she had no choice, but to bite the bullet and clarify the matter, she questioned Brent as her brows furrowed, "One minute Sir!" Seeing him look at her, "What is the matter, Miss John?"

"Sir, you instructed me earlier to inform them that the meeting is to be held at exactly eleven."

Brent notices the frown and how she questions him and becomes even angrier.

Lystra notices immediately how angry he becomes when he snaps at her, "How would I tell you eleven when I know I have an appointment for eleven, do I look that stupid?"

Lystra becomes so confused and frightened hearing his outburst, he had never been abusive towards her or anyone else in the office before.

Afraid he would continue she concluded in her mind quickly to apologize. 'I know he said eleven o'clock for the meeting, dear God could it be I misheard his instruction or daydreaming when he was speaking to me? Oh God, I must fix this immediately, I don't think I have the strength to receive abusiveness this early.'

"Boss, I am sorry, it's my mistake you are right but Sir, it is already ten-twenty shouldn't you be leaving already for your meeting?"

'Lystra knew she would need some time to call and inform the board members and she also didn't want him to continue with his hurtful abusive words, so if he leaves now all should be forgotten.'

She observed how he stood up abruptly in such haste and grabbed his jacket from the chair back, and without even looking at her he just said, "Lock my office for me," and he dashed out.

It was only then she realized the suit he was wearing was a new suit. He was also wearing the Larson Airlume since it was handed over to him. 'Oh God, this meeting must be very important.'

When Lystra came to her senses she thought, 'This is not his first meeting that is important, so exactly who is this person he is going to meet? Oh God, I have never seen him so riled up or excited like this before, could it be he is going on a luncheon date? Is that why he decked off so much?'