Lystra becomes anxious and is even angry with herself for not making a move sooner, especially since both his parents are out of the way.

'Now the way things are going I only hope it is not too late. I might have to make the extra effort to get him interested sooner rather than later.

All my effort so far has not caused him to bat an eye at me. Maybe I should try a more persuasive method. I know others throw themselves at their bosses to get higher-ranking positions by becoming intimate in the office, but I am his secretary and the closest person to him.

Well, that is beside his two assistants and his parents who seem to have their eyes on him like a hawk.

I know his parents are so possessive of him and mostly barbaric when they disapprove of someone, that's why I maintain my relationship at a working level with him. Hoping every day, that they will see my potential and approve of us becoming more than just working colleagues.

I know they are Christians and the boss will not waver or get involved in any intimate relationship, so that method is a lost cause and totally out of the question.'

With that in mind, Lystra sits at her desk and thinks of things she could do to draw his attention, 'No matter how I dress to impress him he never seems to notice."

I wondered for a few seconds before when this Am I not attractive enough for him, my face is flawless, and many have approached me, asking me out on dates, but I have set my eyes on him and I don't want any distractions. Oh Lord, could it be that I am going about this from the wrong angle, instead of trying to get his attention and favour, I should get his parent's blessing and then there will be no problem.'

With that plan in her mind, Lystra continues to admire herself for a few more minutes in his office. She knows his office is secluded from everyone's eyes and no one is brave enough to enter.

'I haven't revealed or related to any one of the staff how I felt for Boss, because it might have too much gossip and envy and they will be glaring at me. Also, I know word will reach the ears of his parents and if that were to happen I might lose my job or get demoted.

They might even send me to another department away from him. Now that is not wise and I have no intention of getting kicked off this floor. I have worked too hard to attain this position.

Furthermore concealing my feelings and intention is my top priority. I know we are a perfect match, I am five feet eleven inches while he is six feet two inches.

My hair is black, long and beautiful, his hair is like black satin, another plus. My eyes are dark chocolate brown, and his eyes are a beautiful baby blue which makes my heart mushy whenever I look at them.