"Miss James, I need you to make a roster and get a professional dressmaker to prepare work outfits for the secretaries, they will be wearing uniforms in the office from the beginning of next month.

Also, inform those who want skirts, it must be on top of the knees or longer I hate office competition."

Sylvia furrows her brow wondering, 'After all these years working at the office why the sudden change, what has brought on this? Recently I observed how Lystra has been dressing, could it be he doesn't want to say something to offend her?

Also, she wanted to know why he chose her when Lystra is the most capable and appropriate person for this assignment. She loves to dress up and always looks down on others and is very bossy. Is Boss aware of the position he is putting me in?'

When Boss said, "You are responsible for keeping order with all the secretaries from today onwards and I don't want to hear any bickering in the reception area it will reflect badly on me if my parents hear anything."

"But Sir, Miss John is the most appropriate person to accomplish this task efficiently."

"I know but very soon Miss John will have some extra duties and she already has her hand full, call a meeting and inform them of the new office rules, Take their suggestions and liaise with me. This should be in effect within two weeks." Giving her a page with what he needs to be done from the beginning of August.

"Yes, Sir I will get on it immediately."

Watching her leave, Brent considered Elliot's words. "Boy, mom is so ridiculous at times and why can't she just relax and enjoy her free time, her seminars, and fundraisers are enough to keep her busy, so why won't she let me and dad run the company?

Now she keeps bugging me, and how did she know that I am being followed? is she aware of where I went last night? Dear God, the woman who was watching me last night, is mom the one responsible for her following me around, or did she see the van by the fence?'

Considering what had occurred, becoming frustrated just thinking about her meddling in every aspect of my life. Brent felt at that moment he needed some alone time to absorb what is happening around him. She only returned yesterday and I am already frustrated.

Also, I need to come up with another plan quickly on how I could meet this Jessy person without being followed. Also before she return to wherever she came from.

And those two assistants need to be replaced immediately, they are never on the job on time and always making some flimsy excuses.

Leaning his head on the chair back he closes his eyes, 'I can't give up, I can only consider today's disappointment as a small setback, that's all.'

Grumbling in his heart, when he heard the knock on the door,