Knowing today was Saturday and the office closed at two Miss John always waited until I headed out of the office then she left.

Lystra observed as he entered his office, he closed the door, still curious about what was going on between him and the Assistant Director, and why he asked Mis Sylvia to visit his office?'

Returning to her desk a bit concerned and baffled, knowing it was the first time he bypassed her and called another secretary to his office. "Have I done something to displease him? Oh dear God, my mistake this morning wasn't overlooked. How could I be so complacent I must fix this mistake immediately."

Getting up quickly to go to his office, also, he seems to have forgotten we have to visit the factory in Red Hill, but then she stops recalling he must be calling the Assistant Director."

In the office, Brent calls Elliot, only to hear that his mom called him to quarry what the meeting was all about and to get an update. Hearing him saying he had a doctor's appointment and cannot remain for the meeting."

"Elliot, did something happen when I left the office earlier?"

"Yes, your mom wanted to speak to you, she said she keeps calling you and she sounds very worried. Also, she told me that you were being followed, so when I heard that you had an appointment out of the office I became worried. I am sure that must have triggered off the alarm in the staff when I quarried about your whereabouts.

Boss, I came to inform you that the meeting you canceled from eleven to one, I won't be able to make it. If you recall I had asked for time off to attend a doctor's appointment but when Miss John said you had an eleven o'clock appointment, I got worried."

Elliot could not help but ask, "Boss where are your associates the board assigned to be with you? Weren't they supposed to be with you at all times? We all became worried when we tried calling you and you weren't picking up."

Brent recalled the many calls he got and ignored them just because he wanted to be at Johanna's place on time. Trying to recall exactly when he heard that the wedding was leaving at eleven.

He responded, "I am sorry Elliot, but those two fools never answer their phones and always have some flimsy excuse for being late, also, it was a last-minute appointment so I had no time to inform anyone."

Hearing the knock he said, "I have to go now Elliot but we will talk Monday."

Sylvia holds her pen and notepad in her hand waiting patiently at the entrance of his office. Not knowing what Boss wanted, she still came prepared. She likes him a lot and he speaks to her like a big brother.

Hearing to come in Sylvia opens the door and enters. "Miss Sylvia please sit, I have a special assignment for you."

"Okay Sir, let me know what I am assigned to do?"