Looking around hoping to get a glimpse of the person, but it seemed he was far gone. My suspicion was right he seems to have evil intentions and I must have ruined his plan. That scoundrel, he was lurking around to get an easy dollar.

Standing all alone unable to unravel the confusion in his mind with the giant question mark.

'Why did she have to go to this extreme and make such extravagant preparations? Why was she willing to stretch this wedding to make such a big show when she doesn't have much family? One thing I know about Johanna is she liked a big show and she always likes attention.'

Flipping open his phone he hurried through the contacts list calling her friends hoping to gather the information he needed, but unfortunately, no one had picked up.

Hitting his head a slap, "You are such a fool, they will all be so occupied at the wedding and must have switched off their phone.

What he wanted to know is, "If that is the case why waste so much unnecessary money, and why was she trying to prove a point? Who does she want to impress?"

All this time we have known each other, and not once had she ever mentioned anything about her family, Jessy is the first I have heard of.'

Having no choice when Brent sees it was almost half twelve he returned to the office only to see the concerned look on everyone's faces. 'Has something happened in my absence?'

When Miss Sylvia sees him she calls her boss, then she hurried to his side, "Sir, excuse me."

Brent looks at her, 'She always has a lovely smile and she always wears office attire. Her cream suit fits her neatly and perfectly. Maybe, I should delegate her to be the head committee member of the secretaries to discuss a uniform for the staff. "Yes, what is the matter?"

Brent realized all head was looking at him and the reception area was silent,

Sylvia smiled sweetly and then said, "Sir, Assistant Director said to call him immediately."

"I will, and give me ten minutes and then come to my office, I have a small matter to discuss with you."

"Yes Sir."

As he turns around to enter his office hearing from his personal Secretary saying, that Andy and Thomas had an emergency and will not attend the meeting.

Using that as a get-out-of-jail card, he instructed Lystra.

"Miss John, please call the other members and cancel the meeting and reschedule it for Monday at one."

Lystra takes note of that, not wanting what occurred earlier today to repeat itself, first time is a mistake, the second might be considered another mistake but the third time is a bad habit. Which means it could cost me my job.

She then replies to him, "Yes Sir, as you requested!"

Brent sees confusion written all over her face, but he didn't need to explain it to anyone. He also knew his disappointment was written all over his face, before she asks or says something he said, "And Miss John when you are finished you can leave."