'Yet he never whispered a word to any of his questions.'

Immediately Brent thought that all his efforts and plan were in disarray. Angry and frustrated he discarded the jacket to the back seat of his car.

Having discontentment in his heart, also, it was laced with a dose of disappointment written all over his face.

Murmuring to himself, feeling the hot sweat rolling down his back. Though matter how he tried he couldn't refrain himself from saying, "I already didn't rest well last night thinking about meeting Jessy, and now this? If only I had an idea which church the wedding is being held I would be there in an instant, but the foolish guard was mute, and it never crossed my mind to ask Johanna last night where the wedding was being held."

Wondering at that moment, "Why did Johanna decorate the house when she had no intention of keeping the wedding at her home? What is really going on and who does she really want to impress?

I never heard of her attending church unless it's Keston who wants to have a church wedding."

Still confused he thought, "If I begin my search now by the time I find the church they might already move on to the next venue for the reception. Or, I could get those two foolish assistants of mine to do some checking quickly.

Calling Roland only to get a busy tone. Brent then called Jason immediately after, but his phone seem to be switched off.

With his back turned while he was making the call, Winston inches away quickly, thinking, 'If he is calling the police, I might as well get the hell out of here right now because going back to jail will be a double penalty.

I should have just told him when he arrived the bridal party had just left but I thought if I stayed quiet he will go, now I am sure he definitely be calling the police, especially the way he was looking at me.'

With that in mind, Winston knew he was ruining his plan and he has seen his face up close. Knowing if he gets caught he will be recognised easily by him.

Having no choice Winston had to flee and seek elsewhere for another prey. God, this was so easy she was leaving for a few days and I would have gotten the opportunity to loot the house without being caught. Now, this fool had to reach late and ruin my plan.

Looking back Winston realized he wasn't detected as a thief as he hurried along. 'If I get caught that will be another six months in the gallows maybe more

Brent returned his attention to the gate where the person was standing. Thinking if he could gather the information about where the wedding is being held he could still get the opportunity to see Jessy.

It was then it cross his mind that maybe the reception is being held here at her home. Now if that is the case then it will have people bustling around making preparations."

Lost in his thought when it clicks his mind, 'Where is the guard?'