Seeing his concern, Lystra immediately said "Assistant Director he had an appointment for eleven so he left the office, but he will be here for the meeting at one."

"Did Roland and Jason go with him to this appointment?"

"No, Mr Assistant Director, they weren't with him this morning, Sir, I will call him right now to find out his location."

Before she could lift the phone from her desk to make the call, Elliot already punched in his number calling him. Lystra noticed the concern and worried frown every time he called and did not get an answer.

Becoming worried when Assistant Director hurried away to his secretary desk, she realized her shortcoming by delaying to call, now who knows what exactly is going on?

Wanting so much to ask what is wrong when the Assistant Director spoke to his secretary and then rush towards the elevator.

Hurrying to Sylvia's desk

to know exactly what was wrong, only to hear it was "Confidential!"

"Confidential! Hello, he is my Boss." Realizing she was ignoring her as she busies herself making calls.

After five minutes or so of hearing Sylvia saying, "Boss, I am not getting through to any of the bodyguards... Okay, Sir, I will keep trying and she is right here I will let her know."

Sylvia rested the phone down and said, "Miss John, Boss said to contact the two associates and ask them to contact him immediately."

"Sylvia, what is going on?" Lystra asked unable to hold the suspense any longer.

"I don't know, Boss only asked me to get in touch with the bodyguards."

"Why are you lying Sylvia, you just said it was confidential, so exactly what is going on and what is so confidential that I shouldn't know?" Feeling such rage Lystra feel like she could strangle Sylvia.

When Sylvia said in a soft and stern tone, "Miss John, I am doing what I am asked to do, don't bully me and do your job and allowed me to do mine."

Lystra was blue with rage but Sylvia just took up the phone and began dialling, ignoring Miss John seeing how furious she was as she stood there glaring at her.

At precisely eleven o'clock, Brent reached Johanna's home only to see her place locked up and not a soul was inside moving around in her premises, not even a car was in the car park.

At that moment Brent wondered, "What time is the wedding being held and how long ago did they leave for the church?"

Observing the person closely who was standing by the gate. He more looks like a bummer and wants to get inside the premises.

Johanna is the kind of person who will be embarrassed if she is seen in such a company. Yet the person stood firm as though he was guarding the property. He wasn't even wearing a uniform, or was it someone just watching the place?

Without hesitation, Brent approached him, but it was like he was speaking to a dummy and the odour that emanated from his could knock you a mile away.