Noticing the way how she scope around the outlet and then nodded as she realized it had no available seats.

Silently eating his meal, Brent didn't want to disturb her, remembering her first expression when he asked.

Lost in his thought as he enjoyed his meal without chattering, knowing women love to chat, Noticing when she rest down the empty juice pack next to the untouched burger as though she wasn't going to eat it.

Looking up at her, seeing the tears streaming down her face, wondering, 'What could be so saddening? I thought my day was bad but this young lady is full of grievances.'

Before he could ask what was the matter, her whisper came unannounced, "Why do people take pleasure in belittling others that are less fortunate? Are money and luxury so precious that people stop caring for those that are in need?"

Her crying continues as she speaks, "Don't these people understand that God only has to snap his finger and everything they own could vanish in the blink of an eye."

Looking at her, "Have someone hurt you, my friend?" Brent asks as he never stopped eating his meal.

"No, no. I will be fine eventually." Jessy murmured ignoring the tears that seem to flow more heavily.

"Then my friend, why are you allowing something that doesn't concern you to interfere with your peace of mind."

Responding to him knowing what he was saying is the truth but how can she ignore the grieving and hungry hearts of those people?

"You are so right, just like everyone else, who see the unjust deeds that occur around them and could help but says, that's not my concern or my business, so they walk away, and the sad thing is, they could be the medium in which God could use to make a family happy."

"You are right, but how do you know which family needs help, there are many people out there that are trading on other people's goodness and kindness."

Brushing the tears aside Jessy replies, "Yet again, you are right, but will a few bad experiences stop a good-natured person from giving? No, my friend, we are God's instrument according to what I understand from His word, and we must care for humanity.

Today my heart grieved to see this poor family needed food and this family had more than enough at the wedding, yet they drive the family away. I was so ashamed that the person who did this was a member of my family. I hid and fed this family then left, seeing their tears break my heart."

Brent was touched by her words, she seem very caring from the way she speaks but what can he say to comfort her heart? He stops eating for a moment and looks at her, "Look my friend, you did what you can, so why do you torture yourself?"

With the tears rolling down her face nonstop she whispers, "If only God could bless me with enough money, I will build a home for the homeless, in there I will be able to know who needs help and be a blessing."