Noticing she only had the drink, and it seems as though she wasn't going to eat the burger, "Are you going to throw that burger away?" Brent asks seeing the burger untouched and he was still feeling hungry.

Jessy slightly lifted her head knowing her face was in a complete mess because of the constant crying, but she didn't care, the man she loved had discarded her for money, nothing else matter right now.

Without even a blink Jessy responded in a hoarse voice as she sniffle her nose, "I have no choice but if you want it, feel free to eat it, my tonsil is paining. I only had an operation done yesterday. I bought the burger because at the counter the cashier says, to have a seat, I have to buy a meal."

Looking at her more closely now, the thought clicked in his mind. Brent looks at her appearance, he heard about the wedding, and she had tonsil surgery done.

His mind began to race as if it went on an overdrive, seeing she was well-dressed for a wedding and could she be the one who had tonsil surgery. Brent held his breath thinking about what she said.

Jessy sees the confusion written all over his face as his brows furrow she asks, "Did I say something confusing to you, Sir?"

He seems to be in a daze and so lost in thought, observing him more carefully she waves her hand in front of his face. Although his eyes were open he didn't notice her waving her hand in front of his face to get his attention.

Becoming a bit concerned she just waited seeing how tired his handsome face looked, but his beautiful blond hair could not be ignored. His baby-blue eyes make him look even more handsome and dashing.

Then suddenly her thoughts went back to Mark's behavior at the wedding and anger boils from deep within. Yet the pain of her loss still hurt, Jessy sniffles as she wipes her nose with the handkerchief as a fresh flow of tears seeps down her face.

At that moment, all Brent's thoughts were on his kiss, 'Could this person be Jessy?' Scanning her face once again taking in everything, her eyes were red from crying, her face was pale and she look worn out.

She was beautiful in a unique sort of way, if she wasn't crying her face would be even more beautiful. But I can see the innocence in her dark grape-like eyes

Admiring her as she sits so unconcerned unable to see her properly as her shoulder slumped down and sags in rejection. It seems to be an overshadow in her appearance, 'Dear God, could this be her?'

Unable to take his eyes off her chin, Brent observed her chin more closely noticing the spot was slightly swollen and the area was a bit reddish, wanting time to process and to know if this young lady was really Jessy. He was still expecting to see a bandage that he felt under her chin last night.'