Brent looked at her smiling as he said, "Now, I have all the time in the world." Jessy felt this joy deep down in her heart, knowing someone was willing to listen to her dream.

Back home when I spoke they all laughed, as the tears trickled down Jessy felt happiness that someone wanted to listen to her ideas.

Listening to her sharing her vision for the homeless, Brent tried his best to get a grip on exactly what she was saying.

It's the very first time he has heard a young person have a vision for the homeless.

When his phone rang Jessyminthia saw him jump as though he was asleep. Observing when he declined the call and said, "Go on, I am listening."

Brent didn't want anyone to disturb him as he just wanted to listen to her sweet voice.

When the phone rang again, I noticed how she looked at me as I cut the call off yet another time.

When I told her to continue, ignoring my mom, the phone rang again and I declined the call yet another time.

Observing the way she looks at me strangely. Thinking at that moment Mom was very determined and persistent. 'God, if she only knows she is interrupting a good opportunity in my life, I didn't want to be home to mingle with the family at this immediate time, this is an opportunity I don't want escaping from my grip.'

When it rings for the fourth time she props her chin with the palm of her hand and keeps looking at me. Having no choice I nod my head for her to continue but the phone continues ringing.

"Will you just answer, it could be important?"

Brent looked at her and then said, "I will, but you didn't say your name?"

"It's Jessymintha."

"Oh my, that's very unique, I believe only a princess should have a name like that. It is so lovely, it's the first time I heard a name like that."

"Thank you." Jessy felt pleased for the first time hearing someone like her name if only he knew the truth of what he said, but it was also the first time I revealed my first name to someone. It has always been Jessy, and not even Mark is aware of my complete first name.

"Oh dear, I am such a forgetful Jones, I will forget that long name."

Hearing her chuckle Brent couldn't help but feel pleased to hear how sweet the chuckle sound instead of all the sniffling of the nose and the crying.

Admiring how beautiful she smiles and the way her dark grapes-like eyes glow. brings a special joy to his heart.

"Well if we do meet again you can call me Jessy that is easier to remember."

Frowning her brow she was about to repeat what she just said realizing he wasn't paying attention to her anymore.

When he turned to answer his phone, Jessy went to the washroom, thinking, 'The many times his phone rang, it must be very important and she will return before he finishes the call.'

Jessy did not want to disturb him, but why did I feel the heavy burden lifted by just talking about my dreams? Is it because he was a good listener?'

Reasoning in her heart, "Could he get me a place, so I could help the homeless? Oh Lord, is this a joke, or is it for real?"