Walking out of the washroom, Jessy looked around for the young handsome gentleman, wondering, 'Where could he disappear so quickly? I am sure I didn't delay.'

Jessy hurriedly steps out of the burger outlet searching for him. "I didn't get his name, Lord, so why did You allow him to leave without giving me the opportunity to get a contact number? And another thing why did You give me hope a few minutes and then snatch it away without even giving me the opportunity to daydream a little?"

Closing her eyes for a minute only to hear her heart speaks, "Well, Jessyminthia you can't complain, if he didn't ask about the homeless, you might have spilt your guts about what really occurred at the wedding. He might think you are a crazy love-sick fool and flee before you could have shared your dream. "

"I agree, then if that is the case I must thank the Lord for saving me in the nick of a time with that phone call."

Having no idea where to go from this point, Jessyminthia felt lost and lonely when she think about what Mark did to her. If only he knew what sort of person Johanna is he would not have given in to her so easily, but good riddance now those two deserved each other.

If he did love me as he keeps repeating within the last six months, when Johanna dangled the money in front of him, he would have turned it down immediately.

"That money blinded him so quickly that he forgets me that very instant and fell all over her just for a few million. Papa was right though, only a few people are fortunate to find true love."

Sighing as she thought about it, "I am glad in a way that Mark's true colours are exposed, I know finding true love is not as easy as I read in those romance books."

Feeling sad but also a sense of relief overwhelms her when she thought that she didn't want to return to Johanna's place to see their faces. Jessyminthia knew at that moment she had to make sleeping accommodations for the night.'

Having no idea which direction to go as the nagging memories linger in her subconscious. Jessyminthia continues to look around the burger outlet for a clue.

"Lord, please help me to forget about those two leaches, I need to find a place to sleep and get work from tomorrow. I have no money, no clothes and no shelter so which direction should I go?"

Jessy stood there feeling lost for a long while. "I am new to this city so where should I go from here, Lord?"

Seeing a rail she slowly when and stood by the rail looking at the view when one of the workers who was cleaning up saw her standing after everyone left. She came to Jessy. Standing next to her, "Isn't the view beautiful?"

Jessy didn't look at her she just whispers and said, "Yes, it is."