Then suddenly Jason saw a few young ladies come through a door but his boss didn't even look at them.

When he saw his boss sit and bend over with his checkbook, he realized he was rushing over to give a contribution before the soup kitchen closed and there was nothing really serious.

Walking away he returned to find Roland and explained that his boss just wanted to contribute, to assist in the soup kitchen.

When Roland heard that report he said, "Then let's return to the office before Elliot makes a scene."

Meanwhile, all Brent hoped was she had not left already. She was not among the few who left when he arrived.

Breathing slowly so the woman won't see how anxious he was nor would she become suspicious of his motives.

He took his time before he said in a pleasant tone of voice. "I saw the ad in the newspapers and hurried across to make this contribution and congratulate you on the wonderful job you are doing."

Unable to say anything else the way he was overjoyed just seeing the place was still open and he could speak with someone. Brent just smiled and said, "I hope this will help towards the thriving work you are involved in."

I observed when the middle-aged woman opened her eyes wide as a saucer as she read the amount then she closed her mouth and looked at me in shock before she fixed herself properly on the chair speechless.

As though she was confused she said in one breath, "Sure, you can sit and catch your breath but we will be closing in a few minutes."

Brent smiled knowing she was so happy that she forgot or even neglected to remember she had invited him to sit from the moment he reached about five minutes ago and she informed him all the soup was finished.

Ignoring how she stuttered he said, "Thanks, and I am glad, I made it just in time, not often do I see worthy causes such as this, So when I read the article I decided it was fantastic and a nice way to be a financial blessing to my community."

"Sir, I must thank you for seeing the need and for this contribution, it will go a long way to keep the door open. This contribution you made helped my faith to grow a little more and make a believer out of me."

"Why do you say that Ma'am, isn't there anyone supporting this work?"

"Sir, my Pastor used to offset the cost with some assistance from the Business members from the community and other Churches, but he has taken ill and the young Pastor who took over hasn't gotten this shed in his vision, so the help you assisted us with will keep the doors open for a while longer."

"I am just glad to help but why is it this is the first time I have seen this ad? You all have been doing this work for more than a decade."

"Sir, please don't misunderstand, we have but there was never a shortage before until my Pastor became unwell."