Brent couldn't help as he notices the smile on the middle-aged woman's face before she replies to him. "Sir, it never cross my mind to do this ad, one of the volunteers who came just a few days decided when I told her we will not be needing her assistance any longer because the shed will be closed.

Sir, when she heard that she said, Madam if this work is of God do you think He will close his eyes to the need of his people? Then she prayed, took out a picture then went and placed the ad yesterday. This morning when she enters the shed she had a big smile on her face and said, God, will send help before the day is done."

As she glanced at the cheque in her hand once more, she responded with a smile, "Sir, just as she told me, it has happened, you are living proof of God working on her behalf. You are here with such a vast contribution to help this work to go on. From what I observed that young lady is full of faith and you are the instrument God used to answer her prayer."

Brent saw when she wipe the streak of tears away, "I can see you are compassionate about the needy but if you don't mind I will like to meet all the workers to say a special thanks to them for serving the community."

"Sir, I am sorry to say but most of them have already left because they have their jobs to attend to but if you return tomorrow after twelve I will gather them all together."

With the teardrop at the corner of her eyes, Brent wondered what did he say to bring about that emotion, when she said, "Sir, all of the young ladies that came to help are volunteers from the church and even it has one homeless, and she assists us just to get a meal."

As the woman looks at him she observed the concern on his face. When he did speak, "I will like to meet this homeless young lady if she is still here, maybe I could give her work, also I will like to meet the young lady and congratulate her for praying with such faith for me to be here. I want to take this opportunity to thank her and the others that are still here for making such a sacrifice to assist in this good work.

"Sir, there are just a few others that remain to do the cleaning up." Just then a few others came out the side door and she was not among them. Before the woman could call out to them they just waved and ran out.

Standing up to leave feeling disappointed once again, the door suddenly flips open and the young lady runs straight into his arms. "Sorry, Sorry," the sweet voice sang out.

Unable to control his emotion he whispers, "Jessymintha, is that you?"

"Oh my God, Sir, we met again, I am so happy to see you?"