When the Assistant Director's secretary passed a folder to him and one to Junior Florence wanted to know what was going on, especially when she observed Miss John's facial expression change.

Florence observed Lystra carefully when she glanced at him at that moment as though something had happened and she was angry,

She didn't say a word but her face had all the question marks written. At that moment Florence had her answer, but who can blame anyone of them? She was aware of how brave and handsome her son carried about himself.

Many young girls had tried to trap him in school but he never allowed all their schemes and tricks to ensnare him and from the look of it Miss John seems to want his attention.

At that moment all she did was whisper a silent prayer that 'God will keep him from disgrace and reproach knowing today every young lady has their own ambition and looking to marry into riches.'

Lystra felt her heart hurt hearing he went to the factory, 'He said he was not going Saturday and made me cancel the meeting, so how is it he is now reporting about this matter? Did he lie because he didn't want me to go with him, or did he suspect I was making advances towards him, and he wanted to avoid my company?'

Pondering about it for a moment when she thought how strange he was behaving earlier that morning, 'Oh God did he go with someone else? I must inquire from those two lame fools.'

Returning her attention to the meeting with a heavy heart. What surprised her most was, there was a boldness that she had never seen before.

Brent didn't hesitate as he boldly said to the managers from each of the factories, "I need each of you to put the worker's safety first from this upcoming week and onwards."

Then he open the file Sylvia gave him, he smile then took one, and passed the folder to Sylvia to distribute it to the other board members.

Seeing Sylvia take her seat, Brent said, "As you all can see I had Miss Sylvia draft out uniforms for the secretaries. From next month the secretaries will be wearing uniforms, the Larson Group has a standard to upkeep and uphold, I believe we should take this bold step to reach the next level in this company with a dress code."

Florence wondered why the sudden change but when she looks at Miss John, once more and her dress code she suspected that maybe he won't want any distractions or flirting in the office. Thinking this is a nice way to avoid any conflict. I underestimated him but I can see he came up with this method to dissuade any ill feelings that may occur in the future.

Feeling pleased in her heart for being an integral part of his upbringing, 'He may not be the perfect son all the time but he has a God-fearing heart.'

Liking this decision he made Florence relax and continue to pay attention to the remaining of the meeting.