Walking into the boardroom with that plan on his mind. Brent humbled himself as he apologized for being late,

Brent observed his Mom's eyes on him, he knew immediately she was angry with him because he was always late for the meeting.

With a broad smile on his face, showing his milk-white teeth, he thought, 'What difference does it make, the board members and mom know I am always late,' so he sat without expecting any response, 'Well except for mom.'

Gave her one of his loving smiles to calm her down, so she wouldn't reprimand him openly as she always does in front of everyone.

Florence looks at her son seeing the smug smile, "What is he up to? something about that smile is not right. I know I often lecture him openly, but this is the first time he has behaved so boldly. There is no fear in his eyes.'

Wanting desperately to remind him about the rules that his father and I implemented before we handed him the CEO position in the company. 'So what has changed? I can't seem to read him out, what is he concocting in his head, and since last Saturday when his grandparents visited he has had a hidden agender.

Even Mom and Dad were just smiling when I asked about him as though they had a secret, if we keep reminding him at every board meeting and he keeps ignoring us, what is the use especially when his dad is not here?'

Florence ponders to herself, 'Speaking to him now won't make a difference, it's like beating against a brick wall. Maybe we need to be sterner with him, Repremanding him in front of the board members hasn't worked because he will just say sorry and continue as though it's a joke?'

Florence glanced at the board members only to see the Assistant Director looking at her, the others seemed to be concerned about their report.

Wondering what he must be thinking. Florence smiles at him as she nods her head knowing he is very observant and alert of everything that concerns Junior and the company.

Glancing at the others her eyes catch the outfit Miss John is wearing then she focuses on Junior once again.

Considering the matter for a moment she wondered 'If being at the office with these beautiful women could shift his focus. His father isn't at home these few days and I am rarely at the office. Is this young lady trying to get his attention and impress him, but he barely looks at her, from my observation, she seems to know exactly what to do as she passes him a page.'

Shifting her focus she pays attention to the meeting as it progresses with good momentum. Junior on the other hand listens attentively to the board member's reports on their departments.

Florence was baffled, 'Sometimes he confuses me so much, I could read his father out so well, but recently I am having a difficult time figuring out the way he is behaving.'

Florence notices how he listens attentively to each report and then he updates the members of the board, on the few changes he made, and also the incident that occurred at the factories in Red Hill.