Walking to her desk heavyhearted, she colluded with Jason. Lifting her eyes in a daze, Jason noticed when she blinked her lashes in a daze and then she said, "Sorry, sorry, I was just thinking about the meeting, and where were you and Roland?"

"The Assistant Director had us doing an errand knowing the boss would be with him at the board meeting."

"I see, so can you tell me what happened Saturday when you all visited the Red Hill factory?"

Observing when he scratched his head before he said, "Sorry, but my daughter was injured in a bicycle incident, and Roland and I didn't reach the office until after two-thirty. You know how impulsive boss is but if you want I could call the assistant manager to get a report if you need more detail."

"Jason that is not the point, I don't need an update, Boss already relayed what occurred at that factory. My concern is the boss's safety, you all were hired to be at his beck and call."

"I know, but who could predict an accident or an emergency unless it was planned to prevent us from being by Boss's side."

At that moment a thought crossed her mind, 'When she called the factory all was well, so how come there was an emergency right after she left the office?'

Considering that thought for a second she decided to speak to Boss himself about her concerns. "Okay, next time try to put yourself in place because his safety is yours and Roland's responsibility."

"Yes, I know."

Lystra stepped aside and then went to her desk. She was taking the notebook and file from under her arm when the sheet of paper slipped out of the file and fell on the floor.

Squinting her face as she looks at the drawing in disgust. 'Why is it all of a sudden he is requesting the staff to wear a uniform?'

Feeling this new request was so unsettling, 'Knowing all the beautiful outfits she bought recently to attract his attention will go to waste, now that she has to pack it down.' Just looking at the drawing gives her a sickening headache.

Feeling so exasperated with the nagging thought of rejection she ponders for a few minutes, 'So what could cause him to make this drastic decision so suddenly? And why on earth did he give that task to Sylvia when I am right in front of his nose being the most senior and efficient secretary? That should be my responsibility so how could he ignore my seniority and hand that responsibility over to her?'

Anger and jealousy boil from deep within as Lystra glances towards Sylvia when a still voice whispers in her head. "What you hotting your pretty head about, she doesn't seem to be interested in your boss as you do. And it was your Boss who instructed her, maybe he has something more important for you to do in the future?"

Suddenly those words burst through Lystra's thoughts quickening her and bringing her peace of mind and consolation.