Bending her head she tries to concentrate on the task at hand when she observed Sylvia speaking to someone, then she quickly stood up and went across to the Assistant Director's office.

Jason, on the other hand, was observing Miss John while she was busy at her desk. 'She always questioned Roland and me about Bos's every move, why is that?'

'We don't have to report to her but she never seems to know her place. Assistant Director is the one we have to report to according to his parents.'

He turns around again and glances at her, thinking about what she said. 'She is so pushy and can be a real drag at times, but I can see she was concerned from the way she spoke. I should speak with the Boss to ensure he didn't encounter any mishaps.'

'It never cross my mind that the accident could be a distraction, but thinking about it now it was strange that Amy fell. She is a very good rider so how could she fall when she knows that route so well unless someone set a trap and she didn't see it? I must speak with her when I return home.'

Meanwhile, in Elliot's office, Sylvia stood before him, "Boss, what is the problem, you look troubled has something happened?"

"Can you tell me when did Mr Larson ask you to draft out those uniforms and why wasn't informed?"

"Sir, after you left for your appointment Saturday, he has given me the responsibility to instruct all the secretaries and to have a meeting concerning the new office uniform."

Sylvia was very observant when it comes to her boss, he likes to be on the alert, and on top of things, he doesn't like surprises. "Has anything occurred that I am unaware of among the secretaries recently?"

"Sir, the truth is, and I could be dead wrong, but recently Miss John has been a bit extreme in her dressing, I know when I first started to work it had a dress code, but as time goes by it seems to fade away. I take it Boss must be displeased but to others that may seem okay. I was even shocked that he instructed me to this task knowing Miss John is the most appropriate one."

"I agree, but be on the alert, and keep me abreast of any change, and Miss Sylvia be careful and try not to step on anyone's toes I won't like to hear any misunderstanding between you and the others. Also when you have your meeting with the secretaries record the meeting for your safety"

"I will Sir, and thanks for the concern and warning, I will be on the alert."

Elliot watch as she left his office and then ponders on the course the meeting twisted.

Feeling pleased that his young boss is maturing and God-fearing. Few would be grateful for God's blessing and here I am working with a young man that wants to please God.

This is a tremendous blessing and breakthrough, my only prayer now is, if we can find the right person to flow with this vision.'