Noticing how she turns around and squatted down in front of him then her fingers began to work like magic. Brent's heart was overwhelmed with her cat-like fingers crawling on his body, "I hope you don't feel I am pushy or too forward but I have one last thing to ask of you."

Enjoying every moment of her touches, many had done this but never had it felt so perfect and this exciting,

Having to take control of his emotions with her exposed body touching him he cleared his throat and said, "As I said we are friends so ask away."

Reaching up she kissed his lips, becoming very seductive and tempting. Before she said almost in a whisper, "I know you have given me many gifts and I thank you so very much, but I will need to borrow some cash to travel to work until I get my first salary."

As he embraces her soft and delicate body he whispers to her, "Just keep kissing me and anything you want is not a problem neither will you have to repay."

Enjoying every minute of hearing her jokes and her seductive whispers, and the way she keeps kissing him. Being mesmerized by how beautiful her dark grape-looking eyes were sparkling. He felt his heart was drowning the way it keep pounding so loudly. Knowing at that moment his search was over, he had found his true love.

Without thinking twice, not even a warning bell to stall him he said as he gently strokes her face, "Jessyminthia Morgana Albert, will you please marry me?"

All he felt was when she suddenly froze then without a warning she free herself from his embrace, and immediately steps away, she quickly grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around her body,

Forgetting for a moment it was his place as she said in a rush, "I am sorry, but I believe now will be a good time for you to leave. Next time I will just give some verbal thanks, I forget myself and overstep the boundaries."

Brent knew he had made a huge mistake, he had lost his cool and now she is afraid. Slowly he get himself in order, smooth out his clothes and quietly left. "All that came out his mouth was, "Jessy I am sorry but I meant every word. please think about it."

Hearing the door close, Jessy scold herself, "How could I be so stupid, after what happened between Mark and me, I continue to make the same stupid mistakes. I am not going to get caught in the same trap twice, this is happening too fast."

Wiping the tears but reaching to her lips that were tingling with his touch as she gently stroked them.

"Why did I want to keep kissing him, Mark and I kissed so many times but kissing Brent was so different, it's just as when I was under the anaesthetic, I wanted more, and my heart felt this joy, why is that?"