Wanting to ensure she understands he asks, "Jessymintha we are friends, right?" Jessy saw the sadness in his eyes which breaks her heart.

Wanting desperately to replace it with joy immediately, she changes her tone and replies, "Friends!" Brent sees her stretches her hands towards him, with a very stunning smile plastered on her face, "Excuse me, my name is Jessymintha Morgana Albert nice to meet you, Sir."

When the smile came she smile, "You my pretty lady, are a very devious but smart young woman; you knew exactly how to extract my name, so here it comes."

Looking forward to the introduction, as he said, "It's Brent J. Larson." Just as she stretches her hand out to him he did the same.

Jessy noticed how proud he was to say his name, "Isn't that a nice rich name but what does the J stand for?"

"It is Junior."

Brent observed how beautiful her smiles were as if she was repeating his name to formularize it on her tongue, "Can I call you BJ for short like the TV show BJ and the bear?"

He laughs so loud filling the living room with a feeling of love and happiness. In her heart, Jessy felt this extra joy something she hasn't felt in a long time. When he stop laughing and said, "If you will be my bear, yes, but if not, then Brent will do just fine."

Enjoying the camaraderie she responded with the same tempo as his, "Okay, Jessy will do for me, and what do these bags contain?"

Brent realize she wanted to change the topic, "If you must work in my office, I can't have you, wearing the same dress every day, I will not give anyone the opportunity to ridicule you in my office or laugh at you?"

"Oh, you are the sweetest, you think about everything, now you will have me indebted to you, so tell me how can I thank you and pay this debt quickly?"

Enjoying the way, she keeps glimpsing at him as she examines each item in excitement. "Okay, don't leave me in suspense, tell me what you think?"

"How will I be able to pay you for all these lovely things, they are very expensive and very beautiful, I love them all?"

"You don't have to pay me back, it's gifts I got you, you once said if we can help someone in need, we can be the medium that God can use, so just accept it as a token of our friendship and blessing from the Lord, now go and try it on I want to see you in it first?"

"Can't you wait until tomorrow?" seeing the pause, "Oh, and I will need the address to the job place, also, and who should I speak to when I reach the office?"

Brent was just thinking that he will be seeing her in his office every turn he makes, that by itself gives him a secret joy, "Just go to the Larson building and ask for Miss Lystra John, she will be your tutor."