Brent was driving home when his phone rang, taking it up, "Yes hello, Rosanna how can I help you?"

Thanking God she had gotten through to him, "Brent, I was waiting for you to call me, has something happened after the meeting?" 

"Rosanna I am very sorry my dear, the meeting went on longer than I expected and now I am exhausted to my bones, I will be going to bed early." 

 Wanting to see him Rosanna wasn't ready to accept his rejection so easily, "Brent if you are so tired then I can come over and keep you company, what do you say?" 

Immediately refusing he said when he sneezed loudly, "Thank you my dear but no thanks, I don't think I will be good company, not this evening anyways. I need to get some extra rest now please excuse me I am driving, goodbye." Not waiting for her to respond he switched off the phone.

Anger boils hearing the "Beep," she tries to call again but realises that he switched off his phone. "So this is how you want to play? I know you were lying about having a lengthy meeting and didn't want my company. Well, my disobedient secret lover, I am not giving up so easily, so you can think again." 

Rosanna was following him about five cars behind when her phone rang, Seeing it was Fred she picked up quickly hoping her job was complete. "Yes, Fred tell me is the job complete?"

Feeling cold sweat rolling down his face, "I am sorry Ma'am but Gill got into a car accident and he was seriously injured instead of the young lady. Right now he is at the emergency department in Central General and undergoing surgery. "

Wanting to know exactly what had occurred she listened attentively to him relate the incident.

Unable to listen any longer Rosanna gritted her teeth in exasperation when she explored and shouted in rage.

"One simple task I asked you to do and who ends up getting injured. What a waste of good time and money, it seems for that task to get done I have to do it myself." 

Fred was also angry thinking that screaming b*tch was so conniving to manoeuvre Gill, but why does it feel she is not as simple as Ma'am described. She is very skilled in escaping the crash leaving Gill to take the full impact. 'Ma'am listen to me, I will arrange to get the job done there is no need for you to worry." 

Rosanna slams the phone down having to make a detour. She finds a turn-off point and then drives to the hospital. 

After returning to the apartment Jessy hurried and freshened up from the sweatiness and blood that had soiled her clothes and was glued onto her hand. Feeling the intense burning she hurried and dried her hand and body then changed into a house dress.

 Checking the medicine kit Brent had in the room, she got plaster, antiseptic and a tube of antibiotic cream. 

Hurriedly she cleaned the wound, it was not too deep but it was pretty painful. Unable to recall when it happened but it more felt like the knife had slit her hand seeing the straight cut. With the antiseptic liquid, it burns but Jessy was glad that whoever the culprit was he was much worse off than her. She applied the antibiotic cream and then placed the plaster gently avoiding the intense pain.

Taking two painkillers she lays down as the incident replayed in her mind.

Being a bit restless in her heart, "This is the second attempt on my life. I was fortunate that the first time those goons mixed that young lady up instead of me, and due to that I was able to avoid getting hurt. That has given me the opportunity to disarmed them. But in today's episode, I was definitely sure they were after me. If I couldn't think quickly those goons would have hurt me. Now, I believe if it was Papa tailing me, the guards would have kept a distance only keeping an eye on me to ensure I was safe, but those two today wanted to do bodily harm to me" 

"Oh, Dear God, You know the main reason I don't have my phone switched on, is so Papa won't be able to track me down. Also, I don't touch my account because he will know which city I am residing in at the moment. But, if he is not following me then who is it? Maybe I should begin my training once more."