Brent was finally home, he didn't want any disturbance so he relaxed for a while in his room before he went and took a long warm bath.

Hoping the tiredness and tension will disappear. Recalling from that first day he kissed Jessy he always prayed on his knees but he felt so drained.

Having no idea what was happening to his body he lay quietly on his bed praying, when the knock "Thump, thump," came then his Dad called, "Son!"

The constant knocking interrupted his prayer, having no choice he answered, "Yes, Dad!"

Opening the door Brent Senior saw how his son lying on the bed. 'This is unbelievable, he had not gone to bed this early in weeks. Since his mom had the misunderstanding he started to return home late, oh Lord, is he unwell,' "Dad, did you want something?" 

Passing his hand on his forehead, "Are you feeling unwell my Son?"

Brent observed his dad's concern. Wanting desperately to remove his concern, "I am just tired Dad; an early night rest might do wonders." 

Seeing as he touched my forehead and under my neck, smilingly I said, "Dad, I am okay, I have been doing some extra research these last few weeks, I am just tired, that's all," avoiding his father's eyes.

When his Dad said, "Son, your mother is worried and you know how she is, she never stops nagging."

Wondering, 'What is this new drama? "Has something happened, Dad?"

Pondering from deep within, 'how he should converse this heaviness in his heart,' "Son, we are not getting younger as the days go by."

'Oh dear God, has mom caught him in her web?' Becoming heartbroken knowing he needed his dad support. "Not you too dad, I don't like Mom's choice for my life, so please don't force me into something, because the results, won't be a pretty picture. Dad I just don't like Rosanna and she keeps bugging me." 

Brent Senior felt the same as his Son, he was not comfortable when this young lady was around. She seems to have some evil intentions. "Son, I am not talking about Rosanna, I heard you saying to your Mother that you love someone?"

This was not what he expected but sticking to his story might sway their ways of thinking. "Yes, that's true." 

When his Dad held his hand and said, "Then bring that young lady home for us to meet her, whatever your choice I will accept, you are my Son?"

Brent felt the sincerity his his Dad. His words sound good but he knows his mom too well, "Sorry Dad, right now I cannot, she is from a poor family and I don't want her to be ridiculed by Mom, but in due time, I promise to bring her home to meet you and Mom, I know you will like her a lot."

"Son, no one will ridicule her?" Brent wished with all his heart that this was true but he had noticed how his mom reacted and responded every time Jessy's name was mentioned.

"Sorry Dad, I am not going to take that risk, look how Mom had treated Jessy, just supposed she treats my girlfriend in the same manner?" 

"That's different Son, you know your mom loves you a lot." Brent thought, 'Yes she loves me but she is very stubborn and due to that she tries to control me by introducing these young ladies.

"No Dad, I know you love Mom but she is pretty stubborn when it comes to my life partner. I don't want to even think about losing her, so please trust me. The time will come when you will meet her but for now, she is trying to climb the ladder and I want her to take her time, I am not rushing her, and I don't expect anyone to rush me either."

Taking some deep breath Brent Senior was willing to accept his Son decision, "Then, tell me, how long we will have to wait?"

"Please Dad, I cannot answer you that, it could be a month, or two but just be patient, I already proposed to her, I am being patient and I expect the same from you."

"Is she aware of your financial status?" Brent saw the concern and seriousness on his father's face.

He didn't want to lie so he spoke the truth, "Yes! She is aware of everything. "

Brent Senior took his son's hand gently stroking it then gently said, "Then my Son, I will pray for the two of you."

Hugging his Dad, Brent said, "Thank you, Dad, she is a very loving and caring person, I know you will love her just as I do and thanks for understanding."