With that in mind, Johanna asks, "Jessy, don't you love your job at the Larson building?"

Johanna noticed the smile on her lips but a coldness in her eyes that she had never seen before.

Jessy words pierce her heart, "I do, but my home is my home, I have nothing to stay for any longer."

Hearing her words Mark felt his heart pierce and was being shattered into pieces, but what could I say to bring comfort to her?

Johanna knows Jessy very well and she is a very strong and courageous person, but her words prove that she is hurting.

Shifting her focus, she said politely, "Jessy, I like your dress, you look so beautiful in it, if you remember I used to always tell you pink looks good on you?"

It was at that moment Jessy recalled all the dresses Brent bought for her had a bit of pink on them. This is the only one with so much pink but yes it was adorable,

Passing her hand over the dress, then Jessy said, "Thank you, dearest cousin, but for your information, Mr Larson was the one who bought it for me when I had no home nor any clothes."

Jessy notices Johanna's eyes widen as she speaks, "You mean Brent met you soon after my wedding?" 

"Yes! In fact, I met him the day of your wedding," Jessy looked at Johanna wondering what she was thinking now.

 "I see he still has good taste, if when the fool had come the night before my wedding and accepted my proposal, today I would be married to him."

Observing the sadness in Mark's face, Johanna said, "He had only visited to congratulate me."

Jessy was curious and wanted to confirm what she said if it had any truth. "Was he here the night before you got married?" 

Johanna responded excitedly, "Yes, he was even in my room but if you recall clearly, you had your tonsil removed and were asleep in my bed. It seems he mistook you for me and when he spoke with me, he thought I was sleeping. He even promised to return with a gift, but he never brought any, and the next day you left and only today I am seeing you, but you look well."

Taking the bag from Mark, Jessy felt her heart tightening and she was having a problem breathing. She was still digesting the new information.

Frustration and exhaustion engulfed her heart when she said with every ounce of strength she got, "I only want my belongings."

 Knowing that the bag was a bit heavier than what she had expected. Opening the bag when Mark respond just in a whisper, "Don't worry you can keep the few things I got you."

Wanting nothing that belonged to him she said, "No, thanks!" but there was fear on his face that caught her eyes. Jessy realized that he had added some things in the bag that wasn't hers. 

Johanna on the other hand took a few steps closer and looked at Mark suspecting something was off. 

His face paled and Jessy caught sight of it and quickly closed the bag, before Johanna reached her, taking the courage Jessy said, "Well thank you very much, I must be going."

Jessy wanted to escape from them while she still had some strength in her body. She heard Johanna calling after her as she hurried out as though her pants were on fire. At that moment Jessy heard her saying, "Will you tell Brent, I said hello, and one of these days I will visit him."

Raising her hand she continued walking out the entrance as the tears flowed uncontrollably.

Jessy mind went back to that night, under the anaesthetic I was in and out of consciousness and could not recall exactly what had occurred. 

As Johanna stepped next to Mark's side she saw the tears, "It's okay Mark, I understand you still love her, but you needed money more, now there's no need to worry. I have access to all the money you may need."

Becoming irritated with the constant flow of tears, "Now for God's sake, will you stop that crying, only girls cry. Now come with me let me help you forget about her. I was even thinking about having a party and I could invite a few friends of mine, what do you think?"

Mark removes her hand from hers and walks away, 'This is all my fault, my beautiful Jessy is hurting and all this da*m woman is thinking about is herself.'