Chapter 7 — Four Months Later, Renovating the House?

Time passes quickly as the drop of rainfall, and four months had gone by.

The Peace Lonely Peak was no longer as quiet as before due to the gain of another member. A month ago, winter had departed and spring appeared. The flat land outside the hut, as well as the warehouse, was entirely covered with layers of snow. The roofs also collected snow, albeit in a small quantity.

The field, on the other hand, had completely vanished, insulated by the snow. Furthermore, Jun's cultivation area was not left intact.

Three winters had passed while Jun was living here, so this matter wasn't extraordinary anymore. Bing Xiumei, however, seemed stunned when she had seen the situation outside. She had been healing inside during the day and the scene outside during the night was so dark, so she couldn't see the situation outside clearly. That was her first time going out in the daylight and thus her reaction was natural.

Jun and Bing Xiumei had cleared the snow bit by bit, taking a leisure livelihood. When they were cleaning, they had talked often, and Jun was often seen dazed. His heart fluttered like the sting of a bee; she was simply too gorgeous even when many years had passed since they met.

Unfortunately, Jun had to act like a damn bigshot, so he couldn't have a proper chat with her and get to know her even better. Perhaps, who knows, there was a chance for them?

The snow was completely emptied on the fifteenth day of cleaning. Jun's normal life also returned. This time, he found out life have become more susceptible and enjoyable. Bing Xiumei would help him plow, plant, and even water the field.

If only life was like this, Jun wouldn't have to worry about the future.

Those damn mongrels that of the devil race just ruin everything! Ever since he had known about the war just outside the mountain, he was exceptionally worried that someday some people would come knocking on his doors.

As time passed, no one had come, and he realized his worries were groundless. Thus, Jun didn't think much of it and just earnestly cultivate.

His luck in these four months was especially bad; he had not received a single martial technique nor the restoration elixir. But he obtained meridian opening pills and moon essence pill though, so he was quite satisfied.

Jun obtained Moon Essence Pill when he had decided to sign in during nighttime. Thus, he already had a rough understanding of the system.

Daytime — Either Martial Technique or a meridian opening pill.

Nighttime — Moon Essence Pill.

If he signed in a new location, there was a 90% chance he could get something good out of it. He had not signed in the north, the south, and the west as of the moment, Jun was not in hurry, after all, he would not be leaving soon.

At this moment, Bing Xiumei was touring Jun on the summit. She seemed pretty serious about this matter as she talked in a skilled tone, pointing here and there.

"Sir Jun, renovating the house takes long. We need materials and manpower. Obviously, there's no one aside from us, so we can crash out the possibility of manpower. The materials, on the other hand, we can gather them on our own or purchase them outside the mountain."

Jun nodded as he followed her along. He and Xiumei decided to renovate the house. They had talked about this a few weeks ago, and after some thought, Jun agreed with her. His residence was simply too small at this moment and there was only one bedroom. It couldn't fit Jun and Xiumei inside, and Xiumei also felt it was presumptuous to sleep inside the expert's room.

Thus, when spring had come, she immediately informed him about the plan of renovation.

"How much time does it take?"

Jun already had a great idea of the structure of his new home, so he was rather eager to construct it. Even though his idea couldn't be converted into creativity yet, he didn't think much of it. At most, it would take him a few weeks to draw the blueprint of the house, and then he could start explaining the construction to Bing Xiumei. After all, he also needed her help.

"Depending on the structure of the house. The simplest one would take one to two months while a custom-made one might take longer than that." Bing Xiumei replied, looking at Jun. "Sir, what's your opinion?"

"A customized, but a simple house. I'll draw the blueprint, so let's discussed it when I'm done with it."

After some thought, Jun mumbled, "I guessed I have to head outside for the time being and purchased some materials."

Jun was not afraid of leaving the mountain, speaking the truth. He definitely wasn't a coward, only that he lacked strength. Now that his strength had increased, Jun gained some confidence.

During these four months, Jun didn't neglect his combat experience. He had been training during the daylight, so Jun had gained confidence in his strength. Going out to purchase materials probably wouldn't be so hard for him.

The only problem was money. However, he still had some leftovers from the coins that Bing Xiumei had given three years ago. Thus, he could use it for his money-making plan. But his plan was kind of naughty, and Jun felt guilty if he did succeed in it.

"Sir, you're going outside?"

Bing Xiumei said, her voice containing some hope. When she lost her internal cultivation, she already had lost the thought of leaving the mountain. Even if she went to the battlefield, she would at most be a burden; she might even get used as a bargain if she would get caught. Thus, she obediently and leisurely lived on this mountain.

The [Ancient Refinement Scripture] was very suitable to her physique, so she was very thankful that she had obtained this opportunity. It only took her three months to reach the Crescent Moon body. The breakthrough on the [Ancient Refinement Scripture] had restored her confidence. She felt that as long as she cultivated diligently, she could reach the heights she was previously been before or even higher than that.

But of course, she only had her breakthrough quickly due to the bigshot aiding her moon essence pill, which could increase the efficiency of the absorption of the moon essence. This kind of opportunity cannot be found in once a million, so she didn't want to miss it.

When Jun had learned that she attained Crescent Moon Body, he was speechless. He was cultivating it before her and she reached it earlier than him. It made him sigh for his trashy talent. Fortunately, he had the system helping him, otherwise, he would remain at waste forever.

"I'm thinking of making a quick trip, but I'll return quickly." Jun knew what she had on mind. "Don't worry, I'll try looking at the situation of your Sacred Ice Palace. It seemed you have some worries on our mind?"

"It's nothing, Sir Jun. It's grandma." She sighed.

"Your grandma?"

"Yes. She's the Grand Elder of the Sacred Ice Palace."

"I see." Jun nodded, "but she has a high position. Don't worry too much."

"I know, but I'm afraid she's would worry about my circumstance. After all, I've been missing for five months now."

Jun fell into understanding. That's right. Bing Xiumei didn't have to worry about her grandmother due to her position and strength, so she knew that nothing would happen to her. But it was a different case to her grandmother! What would you do if you find out your granddaughter was missing? Panic! Worry!

"Alright. If I have the chance, I'll tell her that you're safe."

"Thank you, Sir."

Bing Xiumei breathed in relief, the worries on her heart slightly loosened. Since Jun had already promised her, she didn't have to worry anymore. But of course, she could only be at ease when the message was relayed successfully.

Jun chatted with Bing Xiumei for a while before making his way down the Peace Lonely Peak. He turned into a flash of azure light as he headed in the direction of the south, [Beast Zone].

These four months Jun had never idled and lazy. Thus, he had opened his 12th meridian two weeks ago, which meant he was at the peak of the 12th meridian opening. Now he needed a little bit more time and the door of element refinements would be opened. After his breakthrough, Jun planned to head outside the mountain.

The behind of Jun's confidence actually came from his element meridians.

After the five basic elements and the lightning element, he had aroused six unique elements. The seventh one was tinted in silver, eighth was deep dark, ninth was shallow dark, the tenth was white, eleventh was pure dark, and the twelfth was crimson, which translates to life element, space element, time element, light element, dark element, and the death element respectively.

Although Jun was still far from able to exert the true power of his element, he was able to wield a fraction of his twelve elements' profound concept. He still couldn't do instantaneous teleportation with his space element nor he could manipulate fire. However, he could use his elements such as dark elements to minimize his presence to others.

With this, Jun had the certainty of being able to secure his life if he had to travel to the city. Martial Masters and Devil Masters weren't cabbages, and Jun was sure that he wouldn't meet one unless an unexpected situation ensues.

Arriving at the [Beast Zone], Jun didn't sign in quickly. He took out the bottle of water, washing his face and hand. According to the hypothesis of his previous world, washing the face and hand refreshes your luck.

Jun doesn't believe it, but who knows if it works? Thus, he was going to try doing it!

After washing, Jun silently prayed on his heart.

System, Sign-in!