Chapter 8 — All Element Refinement, Crescent Moon Body, Double Advancement!

[Ding! Obtained Earthen Fortified Technique!]

"What a weird title."

Jun rolled his eyes and opened the system, checking the details of this technique. To his surprise, it was actually a defensive technique!

This god damn technique finally fall on his hand! He had been waiting for a defensive technique for five months now and finally, the system surrendered it.

"Now, I only need to breakthrough. It's time to advance to the Element Refinement... Furthermore, I'll also attain the Crescent Moon Body, tonight! If I succeeded, my strength will definitely reach the standard of a Peak Martial Veteran!"

Jun was very satisfied with the [Earthen Fortified] technique. According to its description, the body would be layered with earth elements for a short duration of time. Thus, allowing the defense to take a huge leap!

Even though Jun had no idea how strong a Martial Master or a Devil Master was, he probably wouldn't die within a short period if he activated the [Earthern Fortified] technique. This would allow him to gain another life preservation card!

"Now, I should focus on my breakthrough."

Jun headed back to the Peace Lonely Peak and began to prepare for his breakthrough.

Midnight. The stars twinkled brightly as they scattered around the sky. The full moon was shining brightly, casting a serene light on the darkness beneath.

At the cliff of the Peace Lonely Peak, two people were seen sitting cross-legged. The distance between them was around fifty meters. The eyes of these two people were tightly shut, as the essence of the moon entered the woman's body, while the Qi permeated into the man's body.

Bing Xiumei was cultivating the [Ancient Refinement Technique] second layer, Half Moon Body. After she had advanced to the Crescent Moon Body, her strength was comparable to the ordinary Element Refinement cultivators, so she was especially happy with this discovery.

Jun, on the other hand, was meditating for the opportunity to break through the second realm of internal cultivation, Element Refinement. He had been cultivating since he had returned from the [Beast Zone], and he had already begun to enter the realm of element refinement.

The Qi was steady and constant like the calm before the storm. Suddenly, his Qi went frenzied as it rush around him in a spiral. It was like a hurricane, causing the winds and the grass to sway around him, fluttering his robe and hair.

"What an abundant Qi! Is Sir Jun breaking through?"

Bing Xiumei was startled by the commotion. This was her first time seeing such a spectacle.

Xiu! Xiu! Xiu!

Suddenly, twelve piercing noises echoed. Twelve balls with different hues floated above the head of Jun.

Bing Xiumei blinked her eyes and counted, "1...5...7...12! 12 elements?!"

"How is this possible?!"

Her expression couldn't remain calm, eyes glued at the twelve different elements above Jun's head.

"Sir Jun is actually this powerful?"

She fell into understanding, "No wonder a supreme body scripture such as the [Ancient Refinement] was nothing on his eyes. This is an unprecedented record!"

Since the records long ago, the highest element a person held was six elements, and it was held by the supremely talented persona a thousand years ago, Meng the Grand Expert. This was Bing Xiumei first time seeing someone who held more than six. Furthermore, twelve elements!

Just the numbers alone blinded her eyes! What's more, she only recognized 8 of those elements above his head, which means the other four were certainly a unique element! This alone made Bing Xiumei's admiration towards Jun deepen.

Slowly, the twelve elements above the head of Jun permeated back to his meridians. However, this time, they have undergone the first refinement and the elements have become much stronger than before.

"Finally, All Element Refinement attained!"

Jun opened his eyes with a trace of excitement.

The second layer of [Ancient Desolate Scripture] was called All Element Refinement.

Element Refinement marks the awakening of the elements of a cultivator. One might awaken one or more than one. However, one can only refine one's element one by one.

The [Ancient Desolate Scripture], however, allowed Jun to refine his twelve elements simultaneously!

This great advantage would leave everyone in dust!

After all, even if a genius awakened more than one element, the time he would spend to refined those elements would be astronomical!

That was why in the cultivation world, almost no one was proficient in more than one element. Only those supremely talented people can wield more than one element!

Jun could be said the first person with twelve elements after the Ancient Era. Once he advanced to the third realm, True Element, he would become the strongest Martial Master in history!

"Is something wrong?"

Jun noticed Bing Xiumei was looking at him, so he smiled. He was in a great mood and thus his smile appeared natural to her.

"Nothing, Sir Jun."

Bing Xiumei shook her head and closed her eyes, focusing herself on cultivation. Her heart became more determined. Since the path of internal cultivation was cut, she would walk on the path of body forging and become an extremely powerful body cultivator in history!

Jun knew what her thoughts were and thus didn't idle more and closed his eyes. He still had to break through the crescent moon body, so he had no time to spare for chit-chat.

Jun took out two moon essence pills and flicked the other one in the direction of Bing Xiumei.

"Take it."

"Thank you, Sir Jun."

"Just call me Jun, there's no need to be respectful."


"No buts, go cultivate."

Jun cut her and closed his eyes, no longer caring what was her reaction. Even though he pretended to be a bigshot, he didn't want to create a big gap between them. Once he revealed his identity to her or she remembered him, there would be a large awkwardness. He could imagine the scene even though it hadn't yet developed to that stage.

Bing Xiumei took the pill and looked at Jun, biting her lips. She was confused why he was so caring to her.

"Why are you so kind to me?"

Her soft voice flowed to Jun's ears, which he replied calmly, "I don't know. I just feel like helping you."

Bing Xiumei was stunned for a moment. The words were very familiar to her. Her blurry memories slowly return bit by bit, her happiest time but also the saddest time. She cannot help but wonder where he was now. 'Where could he be?'

She didn't suspect Jun to be that silly, small guy who she only met briefly but left a memorable memory with her. The contrast between them was just too enormous for them to be the same person.

Bing Xiumei didn't dwell in it for long and consumed the pill, closing her eyes as she began to absorbed Moon Essence.

Five hours passed by.

It was already 5:00 A.M.

The dawn was slowly rising in the east and the darkness was slowly returning to the heavens.

Bing Xiumei had already left the cultivation area and was inside the house, sleeping. Jun was the only one left, still cultivating. He was absorbing the remains of the moon's essence.

When the dawn has completely risen, Jun opened his eyes. There was a trace of toughness on his bones and his body seemed to be more refined than before. A fragment of moon essence faintly luster on his body.

Crescent Moon Body Attained!

"Now that my strength has improved, I should head out the mountain. Before that, I have to cultivate the [Earthen Fortified] first."

Jun didn't dare to relax and took out the [Earthen Fortified] technique on the system space. He started comprehending the skill.