Chapter 14 — Hong Shu City, A Protagonist?

The horses of the carriages are not ordinary beasts, and they were Wind Elemental Beasts, and traveling for two hundred li was not enough for them to get exhausted.

Thus, the journey onward was quick and smooth sailing, with no demonic beasts, no bandits, and most of all, no devils intercepting their way.

Two days passed in the blink.

Currently, Jun was sitting atop a carriage, looking at the dawn rising in the east. The darkness on the land slowly vanished, and before long, a silhouette of structures coiling against a red mountain appeared in the line of sight.

Hong Shu City, like its name suggests, was situated in a Red Mountain. The buildings and houses were situated on the flat ground in the middle of the mountain, looking majestically even from afar.

The gigantic walls of Hong Shu City spread far at least 5 li or 5000 meters. It was as tall as 80 feet, extending through the clouds. Merchants and people were constantly flooding in the gates.

Jun admired the city. It had been three years he had last seen the city, and everything remained the same. He closed his eyes, remembering the memories buried in his mind...

A young woman appeared outside the gates, bringing a country bumpkin. The bumpkin was curious about the world, asking everything that he had seen.

Jun's mouth curved into a smile, immersed in the memories. This memory was when he and Xiumei had first arrived in this city after a month of travel. Then this city was also where they parted ways.

Peng Liu's business was called Sixth Herbs Store, a mid-sized store that had a decent amount of customers. The carriages for the transportation of his goods were also named Sixth Herbs' Carriage.

When the Sixth Herbs' Carriage halted in the front of the gates of Hong Shu City, two armored men stopped them. As soon as they saw the logo of the carriages, they quickly let them in, and the carriages passed through the gates.

The road was wide, enough for ten carriages to pass side by side. Entering the gates, one would be greeted with the bustling street.

Stall vendors shouted in the corners, displaying various items. Many adventurers and independent cultivators would look over their sell and haggle with the owners.

Jun's eyes revealed a trace of excitement. Even though the outside was dangerous, it didn't stop him from feeling alive. The presence of living humans was something that he missed greatly.

In the Peace Lonely Peak, there were only two people, him and Bing Xiumei. It was very boring because he had to act. Now that he was here, he naturally didn't need to pretend like an expert.

The Sixth Store's Carriage halted in the transport area. One by one, the Earthen Blade Mercenary and Peng Liu alighted.

Peng Liu and Blade Fang had a nice chat, and finally, the fatty handed a pouch full of spirit stones.

"Lord Peng, if you need our assistance, you must say so, and we, Earthen Blade Mercenary, are always available," said Blade Fang, cupping his fist, "We'll be on our way."

"Thank you so much, Sir Fang. If I do need help, your mercenary is the first thing I would consider," said Peng Liu.

Blade Fang nodded and waved his hand to his subordinates, "Boys, let's go!"

Blade Fang walked towards Jun. He cupped his fist, "Brother Jun, regrettably, this will be where we part ways. As for the gain for the one-horned devils, you can come into the Red Earth Street. Our Blade Mercenary's base is located there."

Jun thought for a moment and nodded his head. "After the matter, I had with Sir Peng, I'll head there as soon as possible."

"Then, farewell, Brother Jun.." Blade Fang sighed, "I wanted to talk to you more, but I still have important matters to tend with."

"Is it the family of the deceased?"

"Indeed. But there's actually another matter. Our mercenary also needed to prepare some equipment for the upcoming war. An imperial decree might fall soon, and I don't want my faction to fall on its position with the other mercenary factions."

"I see. Upgrading one's strength is indeed the right thing to do. Brother Fang, I won't bother you anymore. See you later."

Jun cupped his fists and turned around, walking away. Blade Fang cupped his fists and commanded his subordinates to follow him, and not long after, they disappeared in the street.

Jun arrived in front of Peng Liu. The fatty was just done renting spots for his carriers. After he was done, he turned his head to Jun and laughed, "Young hero, please follow me. We'll talk at my home. I have gone for a week, and I'm worried about my family."

"No problem. Please led the way, Sir Peng."

Peng Liu nodded and he called a carrier. When the door opened, he entered and Jun followed.

"Please bring us to the Red Light District."

The driver nodded and the horses galloped straight to the Red Light District.

Hong Shu City has four districts in total, and Red Light District is one of them. It is the inhabitant area of Hong Shu City's citizens and influential clans. Merchants like Peng Liu also lived in the area since the consumption of goods there was the best place. Many rich individuals are shopping there daily, so business was good.

It did not take long for the carrier to arrive in the Red Light District. However, the carrier did not stop, and only when Peng Liu told the driver, did the carrier stops.

"Sir, we arrived."

"Thank you."

Peng Liu paid the driver and alighted with Jun.

Jun looked in front of him.

They stopped in front of a big residence and beside it was a one-story, enormous store. There was a sign hanging at the top of this store, and the lettering characters [Sixth Herbs' Store] looked exquisite. Many people were entering and leaving the place, and not counting those on the inside, there were around 50 people outside the store.

Jun was amazed. Peng Liu's business was indeed good. Just looking at the numbers, this store could earn a huge sum every day.

At this moment, there was a commotion inside of the store. Three young men were blocking a young man holding a broom.

"Peng Che, stop resisting and give us the pill!"

"A trash like you isn't worthy of it!"

"That's right. That's right. You better be obedient and hand it over, if you don't want a beating!"

The two youngsters beside the white-clothed youth were arrogant as they mocked the young man named Peng Che. Everyone in the store could hear them clearly.

"What's going on? Why are they bullying the store owner? Who are they?"

"You don't know? That white-clothed youth is named Peng Di, he's a genius in the same clan with Peng Che."

"If they are in the same family, why are they fighting?"

"Man, It's because Peng Che's father and Peng Di's father aren't on good terms. Naturally, their sons aren't close!"

The people present chatted amongst themselves. Some of them shook their head in pity, thinking how messy the clans are.

"Why do I have to hand it to you? This herbs store is my father's property, and this pill is mine! Do you have a screw loose in your head?"

"Hmph. Peng Che, you've been practicing for five years, and you still can't open a single meridian. That pill is a waste in you, so you better give it to me." Peng Di snickered in contempt.

"So what if I waste it? Peng Di, I bought this pill, and you have no right to take it!" Peng Che was stubborn.

"Hmph, break his legs and take the pill," Peng Di commanded casually, and everyone in the store was in an uproar.

The two lackeys immediately acted and attacked Peng Chi. However, there was suddenly an angry voice.

"How dare you! Stop in the instance!"

The two lackeys were stunned, and the voice was familiar to them.

At the entrance of the store, Peng Liu was furiously walking forward and Jun was silently following him like a mute.

But inwardly, Jun was kind of shocked. He didn't expect to meet with this kind of situation. He suddenly thought back to his home planet, earth.

He had seen this situation many times in the novel. He doubted Peng Che was like those main characters who rise from the ashes. The future protagonist!

"Damn it, we're a step late," Peng Di cursed secretly seeing his uncle. However, he was calm. He knew that no matter how angry his uncle was, he couldn't do anything against him, a genius of the clan.

"We're leaving," Peng Di snorted and waved his hand. He glanced at Peng Che, "You luck out, trash. And right, that woman of yours is already Young Lord Chen's woman, so you better scram far away!"

Peng Di looked at Peng Liu arrogantly, not putting the fatty in the eyes. He stared at Jun who was behind Peng Liu and quickly diverted his gaze, departing at the scene.


3/4 update.

One more. ^ _ ^