Chapter 15 — Physique

As soon as Peng Di departed, the store become much livelier. The customers also no longer paid any attention and turned towards the counter, quickly ordering.

Peng Che clenched his fist at Peng Di's words. His fiancé was one of the people that occupied his heart. They once promised to enter a cultivation sect together. To think that she would betray him!

Peng Che took a deep breath, and seeing his father, his anger subsided and walked forward, greeting Peng Liu with cupped fists.


Peng Liu was still angry at the arrogant Peng Di. He said, "Next time, ban those people from entering the place. Understood?"

"Yes, father,"

Peng Che was helpless. If he just had the strength, he wouldn't have encountered this humiliation!

"Che'er, there are many fishes in the sea. Don't mind the one, and hooked the others," sighed Peng Liu.

"Father, I just can't forget her. I want to talk to her one more time, so I would like to have permission," Peng Che's eyes were determined.

The fatty looked at his son and shook his head helplessly, "Fine, I'll let you. By the way, this person is your father's savior. He's Young Hero Jun, greet him."

Peng Che looked at the young man next to his father. The youth was young, around his age. However, his calm eyes and the gentle aura about him appear unfathomable. One look and Peng Che could tell he was an extraordinary person.

"Hello, Sir Jun," Peng Che cupped his fists respectfully. Although Jun was around his age, the difference of strength doesn't allow him to stand in the same position.

"Just call me Jun, Brother Che. We're both around the age, after all," Jun didn't mind making friends with a future protagonist. Who knows he could benefit from it in the future?

"This..." Peng Che hesitated for a moment and finally nodded. "Alright, Brother Jun."

"Che'er, you tend the store first. I have mattered to talk with Young Hero Jun."

"Yes, father."

Peng Liu nodded at his son and beckoned Jun to follow him outside the store. They went to the big residence next to the store, the house that belonged to Peng Liu.

The residence was enormous and the inside was neatly taken care of. Gardeners were seen tending the lawns, and the man-made paths laid flowers at each corner.

Jun admitted the residence looked terrific. As expected of a merchant's house, everything was pleasing in the eyes.

As they walked through the corridors, Jun was curious about the situation earlier, so he said, "Sir Peng, I noticed that you're living alone and the store seemed to be owned by you. However, why would that Peng Di bothers you?"

"Oh, that." Peng Liu helplessly replied, "Actually, I'm part of the Peng Clan, one of the four big clans in Hong Shu City. And my business was only able to grow this big thanks to the support of the family. Naturally, I have to give a share of the store's income. Before I own this store, the Peng clan had a competition who would run its businesses. Peng Di's father was my foe for the opportunity, and he lost to me."

"So it's a grudge."

"That's right. Peng Di's father is only lucky that he had a talented son. There was no way a person like him would be valued in the clan," Peng Liu sneered, but his eyes were helpless.

Jun laughed secretly. 'If this fatty knew his son was a dragon amongst men, I wonder what will be his reaction.'

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived in the courtyard where there was a river passing beneath the gazebo. There were teas prepared in the pavilion, and Peng Liu and Jun took a seat.

"Young Hero Jun, I wonder what's your request?" Peng Liu really wanted to reward Jun, but the young man refused to accept. He had tried persuading him the following two days of the journey but to no avail. He could only wait to hear Jun's request.

"Sir Peng, I would like to ask you for these lists of materials." Jun handed him a small piece of paper.

Peng Liu scanned the paper; every set of materials listed was expensive. However, he was excited that he could repay his savior. "Young Hero Jun, no worries. I can gather these materials. Are you in hurry?"

"How many days it'll take?"

"About five days. The Red Feather Wood isn't easily found. However, I happen to have a merchant friend who is restocking this kind of wood in a couple of days, so I can ask him about it. Are you by chance building a house, Young Hero Jun?"

"I can't really hide it to you, Sir Peng. I'm indeed building a house," said Jun.

"Do you need manpower?" Peng Liu asked, "I can send some help."

"That won't be necessary."

Jun shook his head. According to Xiumei, the Desolate Mountain was a dead place. The people that Peng Liu brought to him might not enter the mountain due to fear, at all!

But the main reason is that he didn't want the secret passage of the Desolate Mountain to be publicized. Also, he wanted to keep hidden the Peace Lonely Peak. There is a possibility his home would be exposed once he let strangers in.

He was okay if it was someone he had a trust like Xiumei.

Strangers? There was no way he would let them in!

"By the way, do you know where's the branch of the Imperil Record Hall?"

Imperial Record Hall was the place where one officially register oneself's realms. There are many benefits of registration. For instance, one could enjoy the benefits of imperial contribution hall, adventurer guild, divine firmament chamber of commerce, and it was a great aid in the development of factions. Thus, many people registered themselves in the Imperial Record Hall.

"Young Hero haven't registered as a Martial Veteran?"

"You guess it right. I want to get the badge so I can accept the mission, you know." Jun smiled and sipped the tea.

"I forgot!" Lord Peng smacked his forehead, "Young Hero wanted to search Goddess Bing, I nearly forgot this matter. How about I'll ask my son to bring you in the place?"

"Speaking of which, Sir Peng, I'm very curious why your son can't open his meridians." Jun said.

"Sigh," Lord Peng drank the tea and shook his head bitterly, "That son of mine has once in a million physique. Those with one were bound to be extraordinary. However, his physique is simply too ancient. And it was useless in the current era."

"Oh, a physique?" Jun's interest was piqued. People with physique were heaven-bestowed talent. Just Like Bing Xiumei, she had the physique of the Ice Moon, and naturally, her talent was extraordinary. It's no wonder she had become a martial master at such a young age. "What physique might it be?"

"Ancient Yang Physique."

"Ancient Yang Physique?!" Jun was shocked.

This physique was indeed extraordinary, it was once ranked amongst the top 100 physiques in the world.

But after the Ancient War, countless scriptures were lost in the river of time. One that disappeared was the Ancient Yang Scripture, the only manual that can help those with Ancient Yang physique cultivate.

Those born with a physique might not be necessarily heavenly prodigies. After all, they needed a corresponding scripture to cultivate. Some of them can use a similar or identical Scripture to cultivate, but some rare physique isn't the same case. And Ancient Yang Scripture was one of them.

"What a pity."

Jun sighed in regret. Had Peng Che owned such scripture, he would have trampled his peers on the foot.

People with physique were born with elements. Thus, to open their meridians, they have to arouse their element, just like what Jun did. However, Peng Che didn't have the help of scripture, so how can he arouse his element and start opening his meridians?

"Sir Peng, if there are no more matters, I'll be leaving now." Jun said, "I'll ask Brother Che to navigate me in the way."

"Alright, Young Hero Jun, I'll also busy myself and start gathering the materials."

Jun and Peng Liu stood up, and Jun immediately departed in the gazebo, heading straight to the Six Herbs' Store.


4/4 Last update.

See you tommorow!