Chapter 28 — Auction (3)

After she spoke, Miss Li opened the black chest atop the cart that was pulled over by the young man. Opening it revealed stalks of herb around the length of five meters, laying quietly in the box. These herbs are all white in color, brimming with qi.

Miss Li immediately introduced the item, "This is a hundred old elemental herbs, Light Qi Herbs. These herbs are specially taken care of and are grown in an extremely clean garden."

"Even though it has minimal effect on Quasi Martial Master, it is a rare elixir especially tailored to those who are in the first three-layer of Element Refinement. This is the only Light Qi Herbs up for auction, so don't miss it. The starting price is hundred spirit stones."

Many eyes were shining looking at the five stalks of herbs.

"The Ling Clan is willing to auction them? Furthermore, five stalks of hundred years old?"

"Isn't today's auction generous? Two good items which usually appear in the middle of the auction are the starting items? What about the middle and last items?"

"I'm afraid today's auction can rival a 3-star auction house."

Everyone was enthusiastic for the following items and those that needed the Light Qi Herbs immediately bid,

"110 Spirit Stone."

"130 Spirit Stone."

"140 Spirit Stone."

As the people competed for the Light Qi Herbs, Wang Tian suddenly stood up and cupped his fists to Jun, saying, "Young Master Shan, Martial Master Mi is calling you."

His voice wasn't loud, but in the place where the VIP room was specially installed with inventions that can enhance the voice, almost everyone could hear him.

"Oh, Uncle is calling for me?"

Jun showed a surprised look as he took the phone from Wang Tian. He then said a bunch of words.

"Oh, uncle, what's the matter?"

"You're going to fetch me?"

"Me? I'm in Hong Shu City, participating in a small auction run by a Quasi Martial Master."

"You're joking, Uncle. I'm only participating in this insignificant auction house for fun, also buying some toys to gift my cute little maids."

"When the auction is going to end? Wait a minute..." Jun looked at Wang Tian, "When the auction ends?"

"Replying to Young Master, the auction is going to end in a couple of hours."

"You've heard that, uncle?"

"What a coincidence! Go to the Ling Clan Auction House in the Red Light District. It just happens when you arrived, the auction is also going to end. Just wait for me outside the Ling Clan auction house, Uncle."

"Yes, yes, see you later, Uncle. I'm hanging up."

Jun pretended to shut the phone and handed it back to Wang Tian who took it respectfully. Then, he looked at the Light Qi Herbs who now soared into 200 spirit stones, and immediately said in a domineering tone, "210 Spirit Stone!"

Everyone who was about to bid immediately shut their mouth. Although the place was noisy, every one of them was a Martial Veteran, and so Jun's voice speaking through the phone could be heard from the distance. Naturally, they heard Jun.

"Damn, this Young Master Shan also fancied these Light Qi Herbs! I'm so unlucky."

"Don't forget what he said. He said he's buying it for his maids... Damn, those girls are too lucky!"

"This Light Qi Herb is priced at 50 spirit stones per stalk. The Ling Clan wanted to lure the rabbit with a carrot, thus auctioning five stalks in once, aiming to get more profit. Now that an influential person took a liking to it, they can only forget profit!"

Everyone stopped bidding and instead conversed with each other. Bidding? That was courting death!

They did not want to be on the bad side of this Young Master Shan. Furthermore, they have heard the conversation and knew a Martial Master is coming to take Jun.

If they happened to upset this young man, knowing that he's buying all of this for his servants, then they might die after leaving this auction house! Not even the Hong Shu City Lord can keep them alive!

"210 Spirit Stones...Any higher bid?"

Miss Li was dumbfounded by the sudden change of events. The reason they auctioned five stalks of Light Qi Herbs instead of doing it one by one was so they could get more profit. They estimated they could at least sell the five stalks of herbs for around 400 spirit stones, thereby gaining 150 spirit stones of profit.

However, this Young Master Shan Yanmo is looking for trouble again?

"Going once...Going twice...Going..." Miss Li gnashed his teeth and finally let out the last breath of words, "Going thrice...Congratulations to the VIP 20 for winning the second item."

After saying that, the auction took a break again, shocking the people present. When Miss Li came back to the stage, she smiled, eyes riddled with guilt, "I'm sorry, everyone. There have been technical difficulties and the auction has to stop."

"However, we have found a solution. To prevent everyone from exposing their appearance, we have prepared a mask for everyone to wear. Strictly everyone has to follow the rules and no spying on other people!"

"Otherwise, we, the Ling Clan auction house, will immediately act and spare no consequence."

Miss Li's voice was cold.

This time, the higher-ups of the auction house decided to protect the safety of their clients. Thus, they came up with the idea of hiding their identity while preventing others from peaking at their appearance. As for the troublemaker Jun? They were afraid to kick him and directly offend the Martial Master behind the kid.

Because of this implemented rule, everyone in the venue had to go leave the area temporarily and head to the private area where they can wear masks and changed clothes.

While all of this happening, Wang Tian looked at Jun with admiration.

" did you predict this will happen?"

"Didn't I tell you it's easy to take advantage of this Ling Clan?"

Jun smiled, waving his hand. "But enough of that, let's begin the plan three."

Wang Tian nodded and immediately headed to a luxurious-clothed young man distance away. He then talked with him, whispering a few words in his ears.

The young man frowned, but Wang Tian reassured him. After a few minutes of persuading, the young man finally nodded. They came into agreement.

"How is it? What did he say?"

Jun asked as soon as Wang Tian walked back to his side.

"He agreed. He said he'll add you in the temporary group chat as soon as possible."

Jun nodded and smiled, "I knew he would accept."

"That's quite amazing, Brother Jun. Your plan seems to work seamlessly."

"It's quite decent. And I'm only doing this because I want to utterly make this horrible clan of Lings suffer." Jun said, "And that Young Master Xiao although arrogant don't bully others. We can work with him and milk this Ling Clan."

Saying that Jun suddenly heard a notification on his phone. He opened it and he noticed he was added to a group chat.

[Young Master Xiao added you in the group]

Jun clicked on it. There were twenty-five members total in the group who were all staying in the VIP room in the auction.

Young Master Xiao: Hello, Young Master Shan, are you sure that we won't get in trouble with this?

Water Tiger Mercenary Leader: Young Master Shan, the last few items which is the reason we came is totaled of 26. And we all in this group are VIPs in the auction with 25 members, so who will get the last item in the auction?

Six-stroke Swordsman: Young Master Shan, you know I'm a swordsman, and I'll take the Feather Weight Sword that will be up in the last sixteenth item of the auction. Everyone here has no objection, right?

The other members also reached out their messages and Jun replied to them.

Young Master Shan: Don't worry everyone, this plan will be seamless if we all work together? Don't you think this is better? We can go home with a rare item and only spend the normal price for the auctioned item. As for Ling Clan finding out, I'm sure they can't blame us. They can't just accuse us of not bidding with one other, am I right?

Young Master Shan: And also, as for the last item, how about this. After bidding for it at the normal price, we can resell it, then split the profit amongst us. Won't we earn rather than lose?

After saying that, the temporary members of the group which was added by Young Master Xiao just a few minutes ago replied enthusiastically, "Young Master Shan is wise. This Ling Clan dares to profit from us since they are auctioning rare items. Now that we see through their plan, we might as well take advantage of them. Who knows they will be completely erased in the Hong Shu City after this!"

The [Milking Ling Clan Group] conversed amongst themselves and finally divided the items amongst themselves. Everyone picked one treasure and the other members promised they won't fight with these treasures. If any fellow in the normal seats competes with them, they can't blame the members within the group.

With that said, everyone came to decision. Soon after, everyone in the auction area wore masks and changed clothes. As for Twenty five people in the VIP rooms, they did not bother hiding their appearance and eagerly anticipated the auction.

They were bound to milk the Ling Clan auction today.