Chapter 29 — Auction (4)

The Ling Can Auction has a total of hundred items up for auction and the lowest are sold at the bare minimum of twenty spirit stones.

Twenty spirit stones are the monthly allowance of lower martial veterans.

These hundred items if all sold two times or three times the normal price, Ling Clan was bound to make enough money to cover up the loss of their ten thousand spirit stone which was a few years of income.

After hiding their appearance, many in the normal seats were no longer afraid and bid crazily.

Aside from the two lower items that Jun bought cheaply, Ling Clan smoothly auctioned the 38 pieces of items in the lower level of the auction while generating some profit.

In these 38 pieces, the members of [Milking Ling Clan Group] participated in the bidding in order to appear natural and for the Ling Clan not to be suspicious of them. Some of them had purchased lower items and those that did not only bid to make themselves active in the auction.

Jun also purchased three items after the Fire Element Ore and Light Qi Herbs. These three items are pretty useful for him.

When Jun bid, some daring people in normal seats tried to outbid him but Jun's wealth was enormous. Thus, his competitors quickly gave up.

Jun both the three items in around 500 spirit stones in total which can be sold normally in the store for 400 some spirit stones. Considering the rarity of these items, the price would naturally soar and Jun felt he did not lose much.

After that, the middle items were up for auction. The group of [Milking Ling Clan Group] were also bidding on these middle items.

The lower items in the auction are all elixirs, herbs, and special ores. The middle items are all martial techniques. As for the last items of the auction which everyone anticipated were all artifacts.

These middle items naturally did not attract Jun. Every martial technique auctioned was merely in the Human Grade Level. His four martial techniques are all in the level of Earth Grade which is also why his combat strength is so high that he can challenge realms above him.

These middle items are quickly sold. As for Wang Tian, he was interested in one of the fire-type martial techniques, and Jun was not stingy and bought him one.

When he returned to the Desolate Mountain, Spirit Stones would be useless to him unless he used them for cultivation. Unless necessary, he wouldn't use it for cultivation. His daily sign-in is enough for him to support his cultivation.

After all the middle items are sold, the 26 final items are finally up for auction.

Everyone in the [Milking Ling Clan Group] bustles with excitement.

An adventurer: Our time has come!

A Talisman Maker: Everyone, act natural. Remember!

Young Master Xiao: Try to compete with each other and at least raise the price of at least 50 spirit stones and then find a reason to give up on the item. Thus, the Ling Clan will not suspect us of mass scamming.

Six-stroke Swordsman: There's no need to worry. If this Ling Clan dared to trouble us, I'm the first one to chop them when I see them in the wilderness

Water Tiger Mercenary Leader: Alright, everyone, the auction is starting. Stop looking at your phone to avoid suspicion!

Following that, every member also sent messages. Jun also did not remain inactive and said a motivational speech,

"It's not easy to gain Artifacts this easily, when there is no unity

It is even much harder to deceive Ling daddy, when there is no harmony

We must incorporate with patience, and milk this fat sheep secretly

Only then we can walk out as nouveau riche!"

Everyone in the group was immediately persuaded by the words. Their determination to squeeze the blood of the Ling Clan soared into the heavens.

Young Master Xiao: As expected of Young Master Shan, even simple words can turn into poems in his hand.

Water Tiger Mercenary Leader: I am completely convinced with Young Master Shan's great talent. I will do my best to complete this mission of ours.

The other members also followed suit and finally, the first artifact appeared in the auction venue. Many hissed in cold breath seeing the artifact. It was a normal artifact that can strengthen the element of a person twofold.

With the strength of ten thousand Jin, with the might of the artifact, the strength would be doubled into twenty thousand Jin.

However, it was not without flaw. According to the words of Miss Li, it can only last for ten minutes. Furthermore, it has a one-day cool down before using it again.

The [Milking Ling Clan Group] member who choose this artifact out of the twenty-six items immediately bid.

"1100 Spirit Stones!"

The price of this artifact was normally sold at 1000 spirit stones which were equivalent to ten million gold coins. It was an astronomical amount that anyone can't easily purchase.

After this Item 1, [Milking Ling Clan Group] member bid, a person in the normal seat who has a lucky opportunity raised the bid into 1150 spirit stones, but Member 1 decisively raised the price into 1200 spirit stones.

After that, no one betted anymore.

"Congratulations to the VIP room 24 for winning the item."

Miss Li confusedly announced the result. She was puzzled as to why the people in the other VIP rooms did not bid. After thinking deeper, she felt that they were not interested in Normal Artifacts, so she sighed.

Although they did not lose in the trade of the normal artifact, they also did not profit. If they sold it somewhere else, they could have sold it at least four hundred spirit stones higher than this offer.

It was a great loss for them!

After the Member 1 of the [Milking Ling Clan Group] won the artifact, he wrote a gratitude message in the group. Initially, he brought one thousand and seven hundred spirit stones with him for this artifact, but he bought it at the normal price. He was simply so happy!

After that, the second artifact, the third artifact...the fifth artifact... to the fifteen artifacts, it was all sold only two hundred spirit stones higher than the normal price.

At the sixth artifact, Miss Li was still all-knowing, was graceful, calm, and composed. She was like the water that never ripples.

Then after the tenth artifact, she began to panic and her eyes sunk. This time the calm water was shaking.

When the fifteenth artifact was sold, a tsunami strike down her mentality, almost losing her mind.

Miss Li tried to calm down and presented the sixteenth artifact, "This is a Rare Artifact, Feather Weight Sword. This weapon is very suitable for Wind Elemental Martial Veterans and Quasi Martial Master. The starting price is five thousand spirit stones."

Miss Li was confident that this item would be heated to the VIP guests. This is a rare artifact that only normal people could only dream of getting!

If these VIP guests don't bid for this item, then she can only think something fishy was going on.

However, she suddenly heard an arrogant voice,

"This young master coveted this sword. 5,100 spirit stones!"

Jun bid arrogantly, looking at the VIP rooms.

"I bid 5,200 spirit stones. Young man, you are still soft."

Six-stroke swordsman who was in the VIP room 9 outbid with a sneer.

"Oh, a measly Quasi Martial Master dared to outbid this Young Master? 5,300 spirit stones!"

"5,350 spirit stones."

Six-stroke swordsman was indifferent.

"5,400 spirit stones."

Young Master Xiao in the VIP room 5 also bid.

"Hmph, a measly Rare Artifact is nothing to this Young Master. Since I'm in good mood, this seat will let you have it.."

Jun sat down and closed his eyes.

People in the surrounding area were shocked by the clash. They almost witnessed a break out of a fight. Thank goodness, this Young Master Shan wasn't in a bad mood and was indifferent, otherwise, they who were innocent would be dragged into the battle.

"5,450 spirit stones."

Six-stroke swordsman called out indifferently.

"I give up. I didn't come here for this item."

Young Master Xiao also returned to his seat.

When Miss Li saw that the VIP rooms are fighting for the rare artifacts, she finally calmed down. 'It seemed that they were not deliberately targeting the auction, it just that they disdained normal artifacts. Even an ordinary, rare sword artifact almost causes a fight...The following artifacts will definitely be sold at a sky-high price.'

However, Miss Li was gravely mistaken and regretted continuing the auction.

From the seventeenth artifact all the way to the twenty fifth artifacts, aside from almost clashing and fighting with one another, these groups of people in the VIP rooms gave up fighting for the item after bidding two hundred or five hundred higher than the normal price. It was as if they did not plan to bid at all!

Only this time, Miss Li realized something was wrong.

However, it was too late to revert time.

Unfortunately, the Ling Clan can only swallow their misfortune and forget to make a profit in this major auction!