Chapter 4

Chapter 4: The Missing M

"Why didn’t you tell us then?"

Trix, who has been interrogating me as if I did something bad since then, asked. Her hands were now on his waist, raising an eyebrow at me. Migz and Sharmaine, on the other hand, still have their jaw dropped, couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Because never did I imagine that he's one of those guys you were talking about," I answered, couldn't help but click my tongue. "He's not even that handsome. How come you describe them as someone who's tall and a really good-looking guy? It was obvious that you guys were just exaggerating earlier!"

"First of all, we're not exaggerating. It is true that Kaizer is tall and a handsome guy. He's the most handsome among all guy students here in SE! Not to mention that he was really smart and has strong features that make it hard not to fall for him a bit, fan or not! He is stunning!"

I slapped my right hand on my forehead as I slowly shook my head. I want to complain about it, but I shut my mouth and just focus on my pasta. After that scene earlier, I stormed out of the hallway, walking at a faster pace than usual. Trix, Migz, and Sharmaine followed me, and the moment they catch up, they pulled me all the way here, to the cafeteria.

"So, what happened next?" Migz took the turn to ask, squinting his curious eyes. "Did he get mad at you? Knowing Kaizer for so long, he's the type of guy who easily gets annoyed and mad."

Sharmaine nodded. "You mentioned that you accidentally spilled ice cream on his shirt. As far as I know, Kaizer is very sensitive when it comes to his clothes. He's the neatest person I've ever known."

Trix and Migz both agreed.

I sighed before responding, "Well, your guess was right. That jerk even tried to embarrass me in front of many people, saying I am his fan who wants to get his autograph and take some selfies with him."

Trix gasped, clasping her hands over her mouth. "Oh my god! He has the audacity to do that in your own mall?"

I almost choked when she mentioned the mall. My eyes widened as I looked at my cousin in betrayal. I was being careful with my words since I don't want to mention that my family owned it anymore. but look at this girl. She spoiled it.

"Girl, do you have to mention that?" I asked with disbelief in my voice.

"W-Wait..." Migz raised his hand and looked at Trix, then back at me. "You owned the MM?"

I was about to answer when Trix covered my mouth, nodding at them. "Yes! That's why her surname is Castro..." Trix froze midway when she noticed I was glaring at her. Sighing, she raised both of her hands in surrender. "Oh, I'm sorry. Ayine doesn't want to talk about it, but she's really the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Castro! Maxwell's sister! The missing—okay, okay. I'm gonna shut up my sexy mouth!"

Trix sat down and bit her lips, hiding his evil smile. Though she already shut up, Migz and Sharmaine already knew about me being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Castro. Since they are both into business, they were like famous celebrities whose names could elicit recognition from the people I meet, same with my older brother, Maxwell.

"Now I know why your brother seems familiar!" Sharmaine uttered, looking at me with her amused eyes.

"Girl!" Migz exclaimed, still can't process what's going on. "You're really Maxwell's sister? He's my ultimate crush! My forever baby! Oh my god, the genes of this family are really amazing!"

"I know right!" Trix commented, flipping her crown braid hair.

In a snap, Migz's face screwed up, looking at my cousin with disgust. "I personally know you as Maxwell's cousin, but if I were to judge—"

Migz's mouth froze halfway when Trix raised her fork, ready to stab Migz with it.

Migz quickly averted his gaze at Trix. "Anyway, Trix once told us that you always like to stay in the dark which I found odd, to be honest. I mean, for us who are in the middle class, we want such recognition!"

"A privilege," Sharmaine muttered.

"Right, a privilege," Migz agreed. "I always wanted to be part of your family! It's every teenager's desire!"

When they looked at me, waiting for my answer, I only reply with a forced smile. I didn't know what exactly to say. Seeing my brother who always got recognition and all attention even if he doesn’t want would make you feel envious. But in my case, I would rather stay in the dark and unknown than have such recognition. Though, when I was eight, I was honestly excited to get introduced as my father's only daughter.

That excitement vanished when I overhead my father and one of his business partners talking.

"Why don't we just change it with your youngest's name instead of Maxine?" I heard the man suggest, halting me from coming to my dad. I want to ask him if my speech for today's big event was already good enough.

"My youngest doesn't have M on his name," My dad replied in an authoritative tone. I can actually imagine his serious face. He always likes that, though. "What's wrong with naming the mall with my daughter?"

I'm not dumbed to not know that they were talking about me. I slowly pull the door inward to see who's my father talking to. It was obvious from the tone of his voice that she doesn't like me to be part of my dad's newly built supermarket. It was after my older brother Maxwell and me. We both have M as the first letter of our name that's why my father named it MM.

"We all know that she's your illegitimate child, Maximo!" the man said, raising his voice. "If the investors find out about it, they might back off!"

The smile on my face slowly faded. From that moment, I just want to disappear and never be found. I suddenly felt sad, my chest starts burning like it's filled with red and nothing else. I felt tears in my eyes too.

I slowly turned my back, trying my best not to cry, but I failed. I ran faster than I can, leaving that place where MM was built. Today was its grand opening and Maxwell and I will be introduced to my dad's business partners and investors. Their friends and colleagues will be there too.

Tita Ayen will surely look for me, but I don't think I can face them. I don't have that much courage to introduce myself in front of everybody knowing that they might not like me because I'm just an illegitimate child. I was afraid that I'll just ruin everything.

I stopped when I saw the park across the road. I wiped off my tears before crossing the road and sat on the swing. My nightmare has come. Being unwanted is my greatest fear and it finally happened. I always ready myself for it but I never knew it would be more painful than I imagine.

My tears once again fell to my cheeks.

I waited eight years to become part of this family, but it wasn't really meant to happen. Tita Ayen and my father always make me feel accepted and loved, even my Maxwell but I always feel something's missing. Maxwell was getting recognition and I'm not. I know this is hypocrisy, but I just want to have many friends like my brother. He was getting along with the children of our father's business partners and I'm not. It makes me jealous; I want friends too!

I started shedding tears while covering my face. Dad never introduces me to his friends and peers, Tita Ayen too. They always told me that I always belong to this family, but I couldn't feel it. I always felt that I was left behind. And it hurts.

I closed my eyes heavily. I wished my mommy was here. I wished my real mom was with me. And I wish I can tell her that I'm hurting, but I just couldn't. I don't want her to get worried. She's already stressed at work. She might get sick.

"Hey, kid!"

I almost scream when I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me. That person went in front of me and when he saw the tears in my eyes, his smile faded.

"Are you sad, kid?" he asked, worry could be seen in his eyes. He looked around like he was looking for someone or something. "Where's your mommy?"

I shook my head, sobbing. "She's not here," I said, my voice was like a whisper.

His eyebrows furrowed. "Where is she?" he asked, but I only turned my gaze elsewhere, refusing to answer his question. I was surprised when he suddenly gasped, his eyes widening. "Did you run away from home?"

My eyes widened too. "N-No, I didn't!" I replied, repeatedly shaking my head.

He sighed in relief. "Then why are you crying? Did someone bully you?"

I slowly nodded, reminiscing what I heard and seen before I run away.

"What did that person do? Did the bad guy hurt you? Where?" he asked worriedly, surveying me from head to toe.

Tears fell from my eyes. "Y-Yes," I answered and pointed to my heart. "The bad guy hurt me here. I-It's painful..."

I cried harder than I ever did. The kid, who looked the same age as I, pulled me close to him and put my head on his chest. He then started gently patting my hair while I was sobbing in his chest.

"Is it still painful?" he asked after I let go of him.

I gently shook my head, but my tears kept filling my eyes. He wiped my tears away while I am too busy crying that I didn't bother to shove his hands away anymore.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I-I'm not okay," I said in all honesty. "It still hurts."

He hugged me again. In a snap, I heard his soft cries and his hug tightened.

"I felt sorry that you have to go through this," he whispered, patting my back. "I don't know what that feels like, but seeing you breaks my heart. It must be really painful."

I felt my heart breaking apart one more time.

"You are not alone, I'm here." He continued patting my back. And when he saw the tears in my cheeks, he wiped them off through his finger. "Whatever happens, always remember you're doing great. You are amazing, okay?"

"O-Okay," I nodded, smiling.

"I wish I see you again," he said before coming to his mom who was calling him already. He even waved his left hand at me, smiling. He then finally turned his back, walking away.

Seconds later, I heard someone shouting. When I looked back, it was the guy who approached me. "I forgot to ask your name! What's your name?" he shouted, waving his hand so I could easily see him.

"Max!" I shouted, watching him slowly fade from my sight.

I sighed and stayed at the park till dawn, distracting myself. If the police didn't see me, I would have been sleeping in the park. They brought me to their station, and I was really scared. Hours passed, my dad, Tita Ayen, and Maxwell showed up and they were all worried.

They keep asking me why I run away, but I only shrugged, refusing to give them a response. I was too afraid to talk. In the end, they just let me clean up and go to bed. Since then, the news about the missing M of that mall arise. Until now, it's still untold and there were only a few people who knew that it was me. Some people didn't even know that the missing M was a girl.


My mind snapped back to the present when Migz tapped my shoulder. They were looking at me curiously.

"Are you okay, Ayine?" Sharmaine asked.

"You're spacing out," Trix said, furrowing her eyebrows.

I shook my head, forcing a smile. "I'm okay, don't mind me."

From then, they all looked at each other before giving me creepy smiles.

"Let me guess..." Migz's smiled even more. "You're thinking about Kaizer. The way he inched the gap of your—"

"Migz!" I exclaimed, my eyes widened. "I'm not! Why would I think about what that jerk did to me?!"

They just laughed, teasing me.

"Stop it, you fools," I said, shaking my head. As we got out of the cafeteria, I couldn't help but remember what happened ten years ago. The day after that big event is my birthday. Being there telling my speech for the first time was an early gift from my dad. Tita Ayen even helped me with my speech and I was really excited. Thanks to the man who ruined it.

I maybe not know him by name, I will never forget how he looks and how did he insult me in front of my own father. I always remember his face and it's like a bad nightmare, I never wanted to dream of but sometimes it's haunting me. I don't know what I will do if I see that man again. I have never seen him again since that day happened. I restrain myself from asking my dad about it. I don't want him to suspect anything.

I was about to enter our class when my phone beeped, halting me from doing so. I almost rolled my eyes the moment I read the message. It was a message from Instagram, and you wouldn't believe who was it.

'It was nice meeting you again, Ms. Castro. About what happened, I just want to tell you that I have already turned down the videos, stop worrying about it from now on.'

Below that message was his nickname, even on messages, that guy was still a jerk.

-Handsome Kai.

* * *

When He Dares Me

by: Thesweetestthing