Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Lunch

"Troy Volzki, half-Korean, half-Ameriacan. Real name, Lee Kim Seun. He grew up here in the Philippines and decided to live here permanently. Both parents are working and handling companies abroad. Only child and only grandson of Don Lee Kwan Seung also known as Don Travis. I don’t know how Travis got his name. Just like my love for the three of them, it's complicated."

I looked at Migz and sighed. He gave me a peace sign before continuing to read the information fans made about them. It wasn't my idea to get to know of the three, he initiated it. I tried to keep listening to him, but my mind was reminiscing what happened yesterday. I had to hit my head softly with my hand because I couldn't think of anything but that scene and it's frustrating.

"It wasn’t included in the info, but Troy was airing with confidence. He was always bragging about how handsome he was. It's true, yes, but sometimes it's... you know, too much. I still love him, though," he added.

I couldn't help but look at him with disgust. "Migz? Can you stop mentioning how much you love them? You're giving me goosebumps!"

But he just laughed it off.

"Next!" Sharmaine, who was beside me, uttered. She's been listening to Migz as if it was fresh on her ears. She looks cute and innocent, though.

"Oh, before we proceed to Ken, our dear friend here is actually a fan of Troy! She had a crush on Troy since 7th Grade!" Migz told me, making me look at Sharmaine with a great surprise. My nose crinkled when she suddenly hide herself using her pink bag, flattering.

"Did Troy reciprocate your feelings already?" Migz asked her, teasing.

I chuckled. "He should be or better break his heart and bones into a million pieces if he didn't," I said and they both laughed.

"That's too much!" Sharmaine said, hiding her burning cheeks.

"Let's go with Ken!" Migz was about to read the information on his phone when he got interrupted by Trix who had just come.

"What's with my baby Kenneth?" she asked, raising a brow. She sat beside Migz and looked at his phone. A huge smile was plastered on her lips while reading it. She then glanced at me. "I'll introduce my future husband for you, Ayine."

"Kenneth Volzki, half-American and half-Filipino. His mom was born in Makati, Philippines. They have been staying here for almost ten years already. He met Kaizer and Troy at the age of 7 at Saint Joseph Elementary School and become friends with them. Unlike Daddy Troy..." Trix froze midway, trying to see how'd Sharmaine react. "My future husband is very humble. He is always top 1 in class and has no time for love. I thought he had no girlfriend since birth, but many say that his late girlfriend cheated on him so he never fell in love again."

That's sad. I only got to examine him for a short period of time but based on what I saw, his personality is different from the others. He's like an introvert, a quiet type of person who rarely laughs or smiles.

"But since I'm here, my baby will never be hurt again," Trix added, dramatically holding her heart, glancing up the ceiling.

My forehead creased, shaking my head. I had to hit her softly to stop her. Trix may be loud all the time, but she's bad at acting. Really.

"I get it, I get it," I said when she didn't stop. "I already know the last one so you don't have to introduce him to me. His name was Kaizer Solomon-Enriquez and he's a big jerk."

"Ayine!" Sharmaine hissed, pouting.

"What? Isn't he?"

Trix looked at Migz and shushed him. "Go on, tell him all the information you can see about Kai," she told him and Migz obliged.

"Kaizer Solomon-Enriquez, grandson of the founder of SE. Half-British and also have Spanish ancestry. He looks serious and drop-head handsome while studying it, though. He's perfect for every girl's desire. Smart, handsome, and a basketball captain. He just has no interest in women. However, there's news that he has a girlfriend and they are relatives, so Daddy does not release it to the public. No one knows who the girl is."

Migz said those while looking at nothing but his phone. I was covering my ears, preventing myself from hearing it.

"He even tattooed her name-"

I raised my hand to stop Migz and he did. "Too much information already. That's enough."

"Are you jealous, Ayi?" Sharmaine asked, obviously teasing me.

"Why would I? He's not even my type," I said, folding my eyes. They exchanged eye contact before nodding at me.

Rhumzelle joined us during our lunch break, though he's getting irritated every time Migz would hug him, praising him. We're in the middle of our lunch when we heard a deafening noise coming from the outside of the cafeteria. From then, the three came one by one.

"Here they are, guys," Migz whispered, fixing his hair. When he looked at Sharmaine who keep on eating her pasta, his eyes widened, and quickly pulled her. "Girl! You need to retouch! You still have tomato sauce on the side of your lips!"

"Troy is here!" Trix whispered, quickly applying lipgloss on her lips.

Rhum shot me a sideward glance, mentally asking what are they doing. I only shrugged at him, refusing to answer as I continued eating my pizza. I also motioned him to continue eating and finish his food quickly. I was about to sip from my drink when someone puts a tray in front of m, halting me from doing it.

"Ayine, right?" Troy smiled at me mischievously. "Nice to meet you, Ayine!" He looked at each of us. Can we join you guys?"

"No," I answered so fast, ignoring them. Our friends looked at me with disbelief. The way they look at me screams, "Why not?!"

"Seem like we have a problem with Ms. Castro," the jerk remarked, raising his eyebrows. He couldn't even hide his smile. "Still mad? I don't see any reason for you to be mad, though."

I rolled my eyes. He was getting on my nerves by just standing there what more if they joined us at our table? In the end, the three pulled a chair and took a seat. I didn't do anything because they were all willing to have them join us except me, and Rhum who didn't answer when Migz asked him. I couldn't believe they just got me outvoted. We're now all sitting on an oblong-shaped table.

"Can you move a little bit?" I asked the jerk, getting annoyed. He looked at me for a second before adjusting his seat, moving it an inch away from me. I tried my best to roll my eyes and forced a smile. "Move a little bit more or better move a meter away from me," I said, trying to be polite. I almost stormed out when he did move a single nerve.

Having left with no choice, I forcibly kicked his chair, frightening him. He almost stumbles, thanks to his friend who got to hold his arm, preventing him from falling.

"What was that for?" he asked unbelievingly.

"I asked you to move a meter away from me at least, but you just ignore me. You left me with no choice but to do that," I said calmly, giving him a mocking smile. "I hope you learn your lesson, Mr. Solomon-"

"Kaizer," he clarified.

"-Enriquez," I continued, not minding what he just said.

He sighed heavily and massaged the bridge of his nose for a bit to calm himself and probably convince himself to be more patient.

I winked at my brother who was staring at me since then before sipping from my drink, hiding my smirk underneath the straw. A short pause of silence swallowed us until someone cleared his throat. We all looked at Tyrone while he was looking at my brother.

"Hi, man. This is the first time I saw you here. My name is Troy," he introduced himself, extending his arm for a handshake.

"He's my younger brother, Rhumzelle," I introduced when Rhum didn't bother to accept his friend of gesture.

Troy nodded, though there was a bit surprised on his face. "I-Is that so? I thought he was your friend," he admitted, laughing awkwardly. "I haven't seen any features of him that are similar to yours."

An awkward silence fell. Rhum and Trix looked at my side, worry could be seen in their eyes. There was a slight hint of surprise on their faces too. My eyes looked down, smiling bitterly.

How many times have I heard those? Ten times? Twenty? Thirty times? I've been hearing those words from every people me and my brother met, but I still feel the same. The same feeling, I never wish to feel all over again. But why have I always felt it? Why has it always pierced my heart?

"I'm sorry, did I offend you in any way?" Troy smiled nervously.

"No, it's fine." I forced a smile. I suddenly felt heavy.

"They have the same yes color though," Trix commented, chuckling, trying to ease the heavy atmosphere between us.

"We have to go," Kaizer spoke, raising from his feet. I was taken aback when he softly messed my hair. From being stoned cold, I saw how his lips twisted a small yet playful and devilish smile. "Thank you for letting us join you guys. Bye, Ms. Castro, and nice to meet you, Rhumzelle. Take good care of your sister."

He said those while looking at nothing but my eyes. From then, they walked away, slowly fading from our sight.

I was about to stand when Rhum hold my wrist, halting me. "Where are you going, Ayiyi?"

"Calm down, Ayine," Trix whispered, biting her lips to stop herself from smiling.

"Yah, I'd appreciate it if you just dumped me instead of agreeing to join us for lunch," I told them, getting annoyed.

"We can't refuse the three, Ayine." Migz smiled at me before looking at Sharmaine, then at Trix. "I mean, who wouldn't?"

"Me!" I raised my right hand. "I would rather eat alone than be with them!"

Trix shook her head and sighed. "You only say that because you hate Kaizer," she muttered, fixing her hair while looking at herself in the mirror. "Be careful, Ayine. You may fall suddenly."

I looked at her with disgust. "Trix?!"

They just laughed. When Rhum bid goodbye and entered his room, they started teasing me again. I keep covering my eyes and uttered something to prevent myself from hearing it.

"Enough, please. That will not happen," I told them, begging. "I will never like him. Never," I said in all honesty. This is the only way to stop them from pestering me and asking me if I do like that jerk. I looked at my cousin and sighed. "Trix, of all people, you know it's a no."

Trix laughed softly. "Okay, guys, that's enough. It's a no. A big, big no."

* * *

When He Dares Me

by: Thesweetestthing