Do You Love The Rain?

"Why she brings him here?" Jung-Hoon glanced at Syanja and En-Woo, who were working together on the laptop. "I don't know. I thought you knew about it." Ji-Ho smiled before answering him. "Why are they sitting so close?" Jung-Hoon tightened grip on the coffee cup. "Relax, Jung-Hoon." Seo-Jin laughed awkwardly. "Why? Just look at them. She is smiling at him." Ha-Yoon rolled his eyes and glanced at Jung-Hoon, who was watching the scene impatiently. "Hey, she is not smiling. You are thinking too much now." Ha-Yoon stated, making them let out a relief sigh. "Let's go and join them or you will gonna die here out of jealousy." They nodded and got up to join them. She fully focused on her work and didn't give attention as they joined her. "En-Woo, can you bring me a file to my room? I have to be finished it as soon as possible, otherwise it will take more hours." Syanja asked him without glancing at anyone. Jung-Hoon poked his tongue inside his cheek as he was a little pissed off at Syanja's behaviour. Jung-Hoon rolled his eyes and went near her. She felt a powerful gaze on her, but not bother to glance at him. Jung-Hoon smirked and closed her laptop. Syanja got annoyed by him and glared at him. "What?" Jung-Hoon questioned, making her let out a sigh. Syanja shook her head and opened the laptop again. Jung-Hoon was fast enough to close it again. Syanja closed her eyes and tried to control her anger. She opened the laptop forcefully, causing it to break. Everyone's eyes widened. She glanced at Jung-Hoon and took her belongings without uttering a word she left them.

"What have you just done, Jung-Hoon?" Ho-Jim said, as they all were shocked. "I-it wasn't my attention." They all shook their heads. "You are in big trouble. She has been working furiously on a new project." Jung-Hoon nodded. He knew he messed up very badly. Hyun-Tae sighed and smiled a little. "It's okay, Jung-Hoon. We know you didn't do it purposely. You just wanted to spend time with her." Jung-Hoon pouted and nodded like a little kid. " Go chase here before it is too late." U-Ram smiled at him and patted Jung-Hoon's head. "Yeah right." Jung-Hoon stood up and made his way to Syanja.

"You are the best." Ho-Jim whispered in Hyun-Tae's ear, causing him to giggle. "Let's go. We have to buy some food for dinner." Ji-Ho said, and they nodded before following him. Jung-Hoon's gaze landed on a tiny figure who was standing near the beach. A small smile plastered on his face as he took steps towards Syanja. She felt someone's presence behind her, but ignored him. "What are you doing here alone?" Jung-Hoon inquired as he reached her. "Probably spending time alone here. Enjoying the weather when I have to work hard because someone broke my laptop and all my work is gone." Syanja smiled and glanced at Jung-Hoon, who was gazing down in guilt. "I-I am sorry." Jung-Hoon stuttered. Syanja sighed and smiled. "It's okay, Jung-Hoon. I know it wasn't your mistake. I was not paying attention to you. Jung-Hoon gazed at the ground. Syanja stepped close to him and placed her palms on Jung-Hoon's cheek. "It's okay. I am not angry at all." Her eyes widened as a tear fell on her hand, which escaped from Jung-Hoon's eye. "Hey, Hey are you crying over a little thing?" She glanced at Jung-Hoon in disbelief. He shook his head. "Then what happened?" Syanja asked him worriedly. Jung-Hoon hugged her tightly. "I-I am S-sorry. I-I know you worked hard for us and I messed up with your work." Syanja patted his back and tried to calm him down. "It's okay." She smiled and broke the hug. "You are my big baby." Syanja ruffled his hair, causing him to giggle. "You are cute." His heart fluttered.

Syanja glanced at Ji-Sui. She was talking on the call with someone. Her actions made Syanja confused. Ji-Sui was trembling, she was sweating. Syanja tried to ignore her, because she knew it was not her concern, whatever others do. Ji-Sui glanced at Syanja and looked away. It made Syanja more curious. "No, Syanja, it's not your concern." She shook her head and was about to go but stopped at her track as she heard Hyun-Tae's name, which Ji-Sui said on the call. "Hyun-Tae didn't know about us, don't worry," Ji-Sui said and took her handbag before heading out of the house. "What was she talking about and whom?" Syanja whispered and shook her head. "Maybe, I am thinking too much." She smiled and made her way to the living room to join everyone. "Here she is." Seo-Jin said as Syanja entered the hall. "What happened?" Syanja asked and sat next to Seo-Jin. "Nothing. We were about to call you." She nodded. Her mind was stuck somewhere else. "Are you okay?" Ho-Jim questioned worriedly. Syanja shook her head. He smiled and nodded. "What are you up to, Ji-Sui?" Syanja thought and smiled as Jung-Hoon sat beside her. "Are you hungry?" She nodded a little and Jung-Hoon passed her a plate of fruits. "Eat it until dinner is ready." Syanja took a slice of apple and nodded. "Night apple is a poison apple." Ha-Yoon said and took it from Syanja's hand. "But I am okay because I am JH." Jung-Hoon said dramatically, causing everyone laugh. After having dinner, everyone started playing games. Ho-Jim, Ha-Yoon and Ji-Ho were playing a game on PlayStation. Hyun-Tae and U-Ram were talking about the new project. Seo-Jin and En-Woo were washing dishes. Syanja was reading a book and Jung-Hoon admiring her beauty. "Stop staring at me like that." Syanja said out of the blue making Jung-Hoon flinched. "Yah, you scared me." Syanja giggled. "You were so lost, so I started the conversation." Syanja smiled and caressed Jung-Hoon's cheek. He blushed and looked away. "Someone is blushing." Jung-Hoon giggled as she started tickling him. "Yah, s-stop." He laughed harder. She stopped and stared at him lovingly.

They were lost until they heard a strong lightning, causing Syanja to jump in fear. "Are you okay?" Jung-Hoon held her hand. She nodded and smiled. "I was just scared." He nodded suddenly as the rain started. Everyone ran out of the house to enjoy the rain. Syanja's eyes lit up and glanced at Jung-Hoon excitedly. "Let's go." She held his hand and dragged him out. Syanja let Jung-Hoon's hand go and stepped into the rain. Her smile brightened as cold raindrops fell on her body. A chilly breeze touched her bare body. Syanja closed her eyes and felt the rain. Jung-Hoon smiled and shook his head. He stepped towards her. Jung-Hoon stopped as her back touched his muscular chest. He held her and warped around on her waist. Jung-Hoon rested his chin on Syanja's wet shoulder. She panicked a little but stopped as Jung-Hoon whispered something In her ear. "Do You Love The Rain?"