Do You Think Of Me?

"Tell me, Syanja." Jung-Hoon whispered into her ear in a deep, husky voice, sending shivers through her body. "W—what are you doing, Jung-Hoon?" She felt so nervous, getting weak because of his touches. "Why?" A question whispered out of his mouth, making her breath hitch. "What I-if someone sees us like that?" Syanja stuttered a little but maintained her words. "I don't mind it at all." Jung-Hoon tightened his grip on her waist. Both of them were fully wet not to care if they caught cold, if someone sees them like that, but it didn't last until Syanja sneezed multiple times. Jung-Hoon's eyes widened as he realised what was he doing. He loosened grip on Syanja's waist, making her look at him. "Let's go." She nodded as he took her into the living room. Jung-Hoon made her sit on the couch and went to bring a towel for her. Syanja sneezed badly many times. Now she was regretting why she did this. "Oh my, why did I do this?" She whined and sneezed again three-times. "Oh, Syanja, you are sneezing badly." Jung-Hoon's gaze turned into a worried one. "I sneezed, am sneezed, fine sneezed." He shook his head and dried her hair with a towel. "I sneezed, I can do it." Syanja states made Jung-Hoon a little pissed off. "Don't you dare to move, Syanja." Jung-Hoon said seriously, making her stop on track. Syanja nodded and sat quietly.

Everyone entered the house while talking randomly. Their eyes widened as they saw an unwanted view in front of them. "Whoa, Jung-Hoon, we didn't know that you are that much caring." Ho-Jim teasingly glanced at Jung-Hoon, who rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, now we all know." Seo-Jin smiled and wiggled his eyebrows. Syanja shared a glance with Ho-Jim and signed him to help her. He nodded and walked close to them. "So, Syanja, can you help me?" Jung-Hoon frowned and glared at Ho-Jim. "No, she isn't fine." Syanja heaved a sigh as Jung-Hoon was being a little overprotective of her. "Yaa, I am fine." She sneezed again as completed her sentence. Jung-Hoon crossed his arms on chest and glanced at her while raising eyebrows. "Okay, I am not a little fine." Syanja pouted. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her head. Syanja quickly held her head and yelped in pain, making everyone worried. "Are you okay Syanja?" Jung-Hoon stood in front of her and churched down on her level. She shook her head. "No, my head." Syanja closed her eyes tightly. "It is very painful." A tear rolled down her eyes. "Hey, can we call the doctor?" Jung-Hoon asked, and she shook her head. "No, just bring me my medicine. It is on the nightstand." Ho-Jim nodded and ran upstairs. After a few moments, he came back with pills in his hand. "Here." Ho-Jim gave her a glass of water and took out a pill. Syanja took a pill and gulped water. Jung-Hoon looked at the pills’ box and read it. "Syanja, it is very dangerous. Why are you taking this?" Jung-Hoon asked out of the blue and caught everyone's attention towards him.

"I am used to it." Syanja rested her head on the couch and tried to relax herself. "But you can't take it all the time." Jung-Hoon glanced at her worriedly. "Yeah, I know, but I have no other option." Syanja cleared him and smiled. Jung-Hoon's gaze turned to U-Ram, who was staring at him too. U-Ram nodded and smiled. Jung-Hoon sighed and sat next to her. "Do you want something to eat?" Syanja shook her head. "You can ask for anything I will bring for you." Syanja's expressions change into pissed off. "JUNG-HOON STOP, I TOLD YOU I WANT NOTHING. YOU ARE SO ANNOYING SOMETIMES." Their eyes shot open. This is the first time they saw her in anger. She sighed and stepped into her room to take some rest. Jung-Hoon sadly looked at the floor, thinking about what happened a few moments ago. "Jung-Hoon, it's okay. She isn't well." Ji-Ho patted his back. Everyone knows Jung-Hoon is the most sensitive person. He was just showing his care for her. "Am I really annoying?" He asked blankly. Hyun-Tae's heart clenched at seeing his friend like this. "No, you are not." He paused and smiled before continuing. "You are an amazing person. Syanja wasn't feeling well. That's why she let out her anger on you." Everyone nodded at Hyun-Tae's state. Jung-Hoon smiled and nodded as well.

Syanja threw herself on the bed and closed her eyes aggressively. Suddenly something hit on her mind, making her regret her behaviour. "I was too rude." Before heading down, she whispered and opened her eyes. She ran downstairs, panting heavily. She smiled a little as her eyes landed on Jung-Hoon, who was sitting on the couch with Seo-Jin while everyone went to their rooms. Syanja stepped towards Jung-Hoon and stood beside them. Jung-Hoon glanced at her and smiled sadly. He looked away, showing her mad expression, making her heartache. It was the first time he ignored her. Tears welled up in her eyes. Jung-Hoon stood up and walked by her. Syanja looked down as guilt rushed into her. "I am sorry." She whispered. Seo-Jin smiled and patted the couch, showing to her to sit. Syanja nodded and sat with him while maintaining her distance. "How are you feeling?" Seo-Jin tried to change her mood, but she shook her head. "I made him sad." She whispered while feeling guilty. Seo-Jin shook his head. "He will be fine, Syanja." Seo-Jin tried to cheer her up. "No, it was my fault. I wasn't in my right mind." Syanja let out a sigh. "Whenever I get a headache, it irritates me. I let out my anger at my loved ones. Which I never wanted." Seo-Jin smiled while admiring her. "It's okay Syanja. Jung-Hoon is a very sensitive person. He cares a lot about his loved ones, and Jung-Hoon doesn't know when and how to show care. He was worried about you. That's why Jung-Hoon behaved like that. You know, I knew him when he was thirteen years old. I still remember Jung-Hoon was an innocent little baby. We used to tease him so much. All of us care about him more than anything. Jung-Hoon is our little baby. He cried in front of us, laughed in front of us. We saw him growing up with us. We love him so much, and I know you too." Syanja nodded, and he smiled before saying further. "Syanja, promise me you will never hurt him. You will never leave his side, no matter what happens. Promise me you will always love him." Seo-Jin asked her seriously, making her nod her head. "I promise." Syanja promised without hesitation. Seo-Jin smiled and patted her head before heading to his room.

Syanja smiled and shook her head as she thought about Jung-Hoon. "I will make it up to you." A heavy sigh escaped out of her mouth. She looked around and made her way to her room. Little did she know she couldn't sleep now.