The group fighting it wasn’t fairing much better either. Four of them could barely stand, and had gaping wounds all around their bodies. And those of them that could still fight were trying to hold the beast at bay, however, at this point the beast was just toying with them, slamming one of them into the ground like a rag doll.
Gray drew his silver long sword before rushing toward the beast. Seeing that Gray was coming to help, the group felt a bit relieved, already planning on retreating once he took their place. However, things rarely ended well where Gray was involved.
In a flash, all their heads lobbed to the ground, their corpses robbed of blood in an instant.
“Thank you for the meal,” whispered Gray. The reason he had chosen this particular group was because they were so far from everyone else. Elves didn’t have night vision, so he was fairly certain that no one could’ve seen the little ‘snack’ he took before fighting the demonic beast.