The sound of battle slowly subsided as day came and the beasts retreated. Gray was about to climb out of the hole -using Tesse’s sword to latch onto the edges- when a ray of sunlight fell on the beast. The beast’s flesh began sizzling causing it to scream out in pain, its pink flesh burning to charred coal as even more sunlight fell on it.
“Don’t let it die!” ordered Gray as a few of the officers came to see what all the noise was about.
“Is that a demon?”
“They captured one.”
Tesse began healing the beast on Gray’s orders, however every time she healed it the sun would undo any progress she had made. And though the wounds seemed to do minimal damage at first, the higher the sun rose, the more exposed the beast became, meaning that she would have to exert herself even more during the healing process. In a matter of minutes, she would pass out if Gray didn’t think of something.