Chapter 2

The young man Zagreus slowly rose from his bed as he yawned and scratched his hair.

"It's 6 already..? Need to get ready for the interview" He said to himself as he got up and start preparing eggs he bought yesterday with his own money, lucky him there were sales on eggs yesterday, Zagreus would call himself a decent cook, and he even enjoyed that little hobby of his own.

'which clothes to wear..' he thought to himself as he was eating the egg sandwich he made, he looked at the casual suit he wore yesterday and realized it stank, maybe from the saliva of the damn stray devil.

He quickly finished his scrambled egg sandwich and got ready for his interview, he wore a dark blue vest with a white shirt underneath with matching blue navy pants, he also tied his long shoulder-length hair into a ponytail and headed off to school. But he also applied an important device on his back given by Lady Yasaka a while back to hide his mana...but the biggest drawback was... not being able to use his powers.

Scene Change

'Kuoh Academy huh... how original' Zagreus thought to himself as he approached the school grounds, he noticed that the school has just been started for the day as various students started to attend the academy he saw various Girls staring at him with red faces but the dark-haired man paid no mind and went on his way to the principal office but the main problem was, he did not know the layout and neither he could use his powers to see right through it, but then he saw a brown-haired boy with a perverted face, he could not mistake it...Being with Azazel for half of his life he could very well make out how a pervert's face looked.

"Hey kid|" Zagreus put a hand on the pervert's face which made the brunette flinch a bit and look back with a rapid speed when he saw who it was he assumed it to be a teacher.

'S-Sensei!? I promise I did nothing wrong" The brunette pleaded which made Zagreus a bit confused but he assessed their situation in a second and made a plan in his mind.

"Hey, kid... If you'd don't want this to be leaked out, you could guide me to the Principal's office."

"huh? Principal's office? just that?" The brunette was a bit confused but it was a win-win situation for him.


After a few minutes of walking, they reached the office Zagreus thanked the boy for leading him here but before the boy went to his class the Dark-haired man stopped.

"Before you go, I didn't catch your name?"

"Issei, Issei Hyoudo!, you aren't going to report me are you sensei!?" Issei asked to which Zagreus just chuckled and went into the office which Madfe Issei crumble to the floor like broken glass.

"Welcome, Mr.Zagreus was it? delighted to meet you, heard a lot from you from our recommendations, they say you are brilliant." the principal said as he gestured him to a seat in front of him."

"Thank you, Principal sir and I would also love to accept the opportunity you have given me."


after a good fifteen minutes of professional procedure, he got the job at being as being an English teacher at the academy. His first period was at class 3-A, when he reached the class he could hear some muffled sounds in the classroom he could somewhat make out that they were talking about the new teacher of the school and some wished it to be male some wished it to be female

"he slid past the door and entered the classroom as soon as he faced the class some students had hearts in their eyes which were the female students of course.

"Ahem! quite down now class you may be informed you will have a new teacher and he is in front of you. Now let me introduce myself" He said as he took a chalk from the table and wrote his name on the blackboard which was 'Zagreus.'

"Nice to meet you all, my name is Zagreus you can call me Sensei if it is too difficult for you lads, and as of today I will be your English teacher. If you have any questions feel free to do so.

His question session which he thought only a few students will participate in resulted in the complete opposite, every female student raised their hands.

'What a drag....' Zagreus thought to himself as he readied to answer the questions " feel free to ask now"

"ARE YOU SINGLE!?" almost every girl in the class asked him the same question to which Zagreus quickly replied a no

'Seriously what do these girls think...' he thought to himself as he saw another hand which was still raised by a girl.

"Are you perhaps from Europe like Rias-oneesama?"

'Finally a decent question'

"Yes, I am a European descendant" He simply answered which made all the girls squeal with joy. 'Seriously what is with them... wait was Rias Gremory in this class?

"Who is Rias Gremory may I ask?"


A feminine voice answered Zagrreus the girl was Rias Gremory and just beside him sat a black haired girl with a huge bust but not as big as Lady Yasaka he still thought how in the world could those exist?

"Anyways we have a class to start now class, he said with a clasp of his fingers and opened his textbook.


Zagreus packed his books on his handbag and headed to the roof for the break, he needed a goddamn Smoke, he could not smoke at his apartment as his landlady would evict him neither in any parts of the school as he might get a complaint that's why he went to the school's restricted area, the rooftop.

"Haven't taken a damn smoke in a day" Zagreus said to himself as he took out a packet of smokes and took one out of it, Just as he was about to light up his lighter he heard a voice.

"Well well isn't our dear new teacher breaking the rules already?"

Just as Zagreus turned around with a smoke in his mouth he saw a white girl in classes with a black-haired bob-cut. It was the worst he feared, she was Sona Sitri.

"Well, you a student is up on the restricted grounds I would say the same"

"I believe it's not restricted for a student council president"

Just the worst, Sona Sitri was the student council president meaning he will be restricted under her as she was a new teacher to this school, he might also want to gain her trust but this smoking act was a downgrade...

"Fair warning, and keep your smoking habits at the smoking Area Sensei.." The black-haired girl said as she walked away from her.

"Ain't that great...." He said as he put the cigarette back into the box and headed to the school grounds where surprisingly he saw the boy he found this morning Issei Hyoudou and there was also a black-haired girl beside her with probably his two friends.

"Hey, Hyoudou!"

"S-Sensei!? "

"May I ask who this girl is Issei? she does not seem like she is from our school"

"Oh Right! This is my girlfriend Yuuma!" Issei said proudly as he pointed his fingers towards her.

Zagreus put his fingers on his chin when he looked at her when something struck on his mind.

"Oh nice to meet you Yuuma" The dark-haired man shook his hands with her and after that interaction, he went on again with his daily duties as a teacher but he was satisfied with one thing...

"That's her huh... things just got easier"

"Ah, sensei wait!"

"Hm?" Zagreus looked back at the brunette before heading off to class

"Do you know anything about dates?"

"Why ask me Hyoudou?

"Because you look like a ladies man

"Haha that's funny, but when is the day of the date"

"Tomorrow Sunday"

"Tomorrow Sunday huh...." Zagreus kept a hand on his chin and thought about two situations, one was of his mission and the next one was helping the brunette

"hmm you can take her to the mall, buy her stuff and have a nice time"

"Thanks, Sensei you're amazing!"

'I did nothing but thanks for the info Hyoudou" Zagreus thought before heading off to his school duties