I feel like, I'm not in the right sense, and then I started screaming like a crazy person, "I haven't done anything, I haven't. Please believe me. After all this, the lady constable started dragging me towards the police van. I again said, "Please believe me." I started sobbing because of all the hopes I had felt like crashing down deep in a black hole.

The lady constable made me sit in the van and then they started going to the jail where they are going to put me for 7 years. I was feeling so devastated, no matter how much I think I still feel betrayed. I don't think, I could ever forget this feeling of betrayal.

Suddenly the police van stopped in front of the jail and again the lady constable guided me towards the jail. After a while, some subordinate of the jail staff started taking me towards my cell. I was silently following them because I don't know what I should do at this time. I entered my cell there was another prisoner like me. The door was closed now and I am alone with that prisoner and unknowingly I had a different fear in my mind that how I'm going to survive here for 7 years. I sat on a cold metallic thing and I think that's my bed for 7 years.

I don't know what to say. I stared at another prisoner because I am scared that should I talk to her? Or not. I thought to drop the idea and lay down for some time.

After almost an hour I opened my eyes I was tired, Looked around hoping in my heart hope all this will be just a dream but deep inside I also this that this isn't. I thought to accept the reality that was too harsh for me. I know in our life we have only two options first, escape from the reality and the second option is to accept the reality and face it bravely.

I said to myself, "I am not going to give up because I have a lot to do in the future. Whatever happened I can't change it but I can do things that I should in this situation and that survive in the place. I don't know how many things are waiting for me."

I closed my eyes took a long breath, opened my eyes, and saw another prisoner in front of me, she was silently laying down and her back was facing me, I was staring at her, still confused should I talk to her or not.

Just at that time she was in the position and then she started saying, that girl started saying, "if you want to say something just do it rather than staring at me. I was low key shocked by her response but I think she sensed that I was staring at her. I calm myself and started talking in a stable voice," what is your name?" she faced me and started talking with eye contact.

My name is Sonakshi and I am 23 what about you? You look quite young to be a criminal.

Aradhya says that no I am not a criminal.

Sonakshi: oh so you are here for a picnic or school assignment.

Aradhya: no, actually some people framed me in a crime I haven't done.

Sonakshi's expression changed a bit. She again asked, what's your name and how old are you?

Aradhya: Aradhya, I'm 17.

Sonakshi: what was your crime and do you know who framed you why?

Aradhya: I am framed by my friend or her whole gang because they called me to the crime spot and everyone thought that I had killed my friend Aditya.

Sonakshi: can you tell me your whole story if you are okay with it.

Aradhya started thinking because she was a little hesitant to talk about everything.

Then Sonakshi said don't worry don't take too much stress ok I will be the first. I will tell my story first ok.

Aradhya nodded in agreement.

Sonakshi POV

Sonakshi started her story: I don't regret it because he deserves it. I killed the person I thought was my life partner. I killed my husband. My father was a simple person and he owned a restaurant, a simple one and about my mother, she was a housewife.

My mom and dad had two children me and my sister. My sister's name is Dikshya. She is 21 right now. We were a happy family but unfortunately, it didn't last long. My husband's name was Ritik and his father and my father were best friends. Ritik had a good boy image in front of my father and his father.

My father thought he would be a good match for me so he wanted me to marry him. I didn't have a boyfriend and wasn't in love with anyone. I just loved my family so I just agreed I was 18 at that time when I got to know that my dad want me to marry him. My dad said that I can marry him after my graduation and now if wanted.

I know that my father always chooses the best for me that's why I agreed my mother died in a car accident when I was 15. Dad didn't marry anyone because he thought that my mom was the only one for him and no one can take her place. My dad was weak and he often fell sick because of his illness. On my 18 birthday when he told me that he wanted me to marry his friend's son, he also wanted me to make a promise that I will marry Ritik (his friend's son) if he died because of crying.

I told him not to talk like that because I and my Lil sis have only him after mom. In that situation, I promised him that I will do as he said. I was trying to help him in the restaurant while being a good sister to my Lil sis and being a good student also. It was hard but I was still trying my best to keep up with the situation.

After my 18 birthday it's been two months because dad was not well our restaurant was also not doing well. We had a lot of debts to pay because of the downfall of the business. I was scared to lose my dad and because of the financial problem, I was confused that will my sister be able to get a good education and a bright future.

Everything was so hard for me to handle and dad's condition was becoming getting worst day by day. My father friend visited my father frequently and I also met his son a few times he looked good-looking and a cheerful person but I don't I just judge someone by their looks. But his father was a good person whenever he meets my dad looked happy. He also treats me and my sister as their daughter.

Ritik was also good towards me and my sister but I don't like it when he smiles at me because I just felt creepy or just doesn't have good vibes from him but I shrugged it off thinking that I think I am assuming things. I have never been in any relationship I thought that's why I thinking too much and at that time in my condition, I was worried about my dad rather than anything else.

So at that time, my full concentration was on my dad, I just wanted him to be healthy because now I couldn't think I could afford to lose him. Ritik was good to me and most of the time he comforts me whenever I was alone sitting and thinking about my life. He often hugged me and hold my hand I appreciated him.

Ritik also often met my dad, one day when everyone was in the garden he said me he wants to see my painting so I took him into my room without hesitation because, from the time dad told me that I am going to marry him, I agreed because my father wanted me to marry him. My father introduced me to him after some days of my 18 birthday, I met him often after that because he and his father often came to meet my dad.

I slowly started liking him because he was good to me. He had taken me to some dates also and slowly and steadily I started liking him more. When I have taken him to my room he started talking about my painting. I loved painting from a young age because my mom was a painter and I always wanted to be like her. Ritik started talking.

Ritik: you have a great talent like your mom.

Sonakshi said thank you.

Ritik: your paintings are beautiful just like you.

Ritik started getting closer to her while saying that Sonakshi is beautiful in and out. Sonakshi was nervous and blushed at his statement. He trapped her between the wall and him. He was looking straight into my eyes. Then he started staring at my lips deeply. I was hella nervous at that time because I don't know what to do.

He often hugged me, took my hands into his a lot of times, and until now he always kissed my cheek so I was so nervous. While I was busy in my thoughts he started getting closer towards my lips and when my lips connected his a sudden electricity I felt in my whole body because that was my first kiss.

I got Goosebumps and didn't know what to do. My whole body was stiff due to his sudden reaction. But he continued doing what he had to do his hands were traveling all over my body and slowly I melt in his kiss and I started wrapping my hands on his shoulder and started touching his hair because of my sudden response he moaned a little.

His hands were on my hips he was squeezing them I moaned and he took the chance to enter his tongue in the mouth. He started exploring every part of my mouth. His lower body was pressing on mine and our make-out was going on and after some time we stopped and we both were breathing heavily and he smiled at me.

After watching, him smile at me a smile automatically appeared on my face and after talking a bit we started going towards the garden where dad, Dikshya, and his father were enjoying their weekend.

Sonakshi: by the way you are a good kisser.

Ritik: just for you mam and your lips are tasty. I waiting to taste more.

Sonakshi blushed at this statement and hit on his arm lightly.

Ritik: it hurts, said with a sad face, and Sonakshi said you deserve it with a mischievous smile.

Ritik: do you like me?

Sonakshi: I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't like you stupid.

Ritik: yeah that's a point. I am happy my soon-to-be wife loves me.

Sonakshi: it's just been 3 years but because we met a lot of times and you treated me good I gradually started liking you and you know dad wants to do our marriage on my 21 birthday and you know there are only 4 months left. After 4 months you will be my husband.

Dad wants me to marry you because he wanted to see me with some who will take care of me after he is gone. My sister's birthday is in 7 days who is 2 years younger than me. It's her 19th birthday and I am also going to be 21 after 2 months. It means you are going to be my fiancé in 7 days and my husband in 2 months.

I am scared because first mom left me now dad he is also. Sonakshi started sobbing, tears are falling from her eyes, and Ritik hugged her comforted her then she again said, "Just like mom, dad will you leave me alone?"

Ritik: I wouldn't live you no matter what and even you wanted me to leave you I wouldn't live you.

Sonakshi: I believe you. Never break my trust, please.

After that, they all enjoyed their weekend and someday went simply for Sonakshi while taking care of her father, planning for her Lil sister's birthday, and chatting and talking with Ritik from time to time.

Finally my Lil sister Dikshya's birthday came, I and my whole family celebrated her birthday and mine and Ritik's engagement also happened that day, everything was okay. My sister also applied for her dream university and because of her great academic record she secured a scholarship also. I was happy with this news because she can study without any problem now.

I was also doing distance study and I will be graduated after my 21st birthday. Next two months went while looking after dad and helping Dikshya as much as I can in her studies. Dikshya is beautiful and intelligent and she is humble and cute but sometimes I personally think that she is cool, like if someone try to bully her she is kind of bad girl also then and she has a great dressing sense also.

She tries to help me as much as she can, she loves us a lot. After 2 months my 21st birthday came and I am going to marry Ritik today and after sometimes I will be graduated too.