On Sonakshi's 21st birthday she got married to Ritik, she was happy because she liked him too but she didn't what is waiting for her in this relationship.

Sonakshi's POV

Our wedding happened just like we planned, everything went well. When the wedding ceremony ended, we went towards our elders to take their blessings. When I had taken their blessing that time I couldn't control myself from crying then I hugged my dad then my Lil sis. Dad was still sick and it's been 3 years, his condition is still getting worse day by day but I am happy I fulfilled the promise dad had taken from me when I was 18. Dad was sick at that time too.

Every day I pray to god to make my dad healthy just like those old days. I am afraid that God will take away dad just like mom one day. I hugged my Lil sister to the last time and said her to take care of dad. She nodded in agreement.

Ritik's dad gave the keys to our new house to Ritik, His father is a rich businessman. After everything happened Ritik and I started going towards the car, which was a beautiful black Porsche.

We both sat in the car, it's luxurious and cool. Ritik was also looking so handsome I can't describe it in words, I stopped myself because my eyes were staring at him too much and do you know what he sensed that and then came closer towards my ears and said, "just wait a bit baby I will show you a full demonstration."

I blushed and stopped looking at him, my head was hanging down because of the embarrassment she doesn't dare to look at him now, after some time they reached their house, where they are going to live from now own.

It was a big house a luxurious one. She stared at the house because it was so beautiful, she that they were but she didn't expect this much because she just wanted a beautiful life with a loving partner, whom she could trust.

She entered the house with ritik, he guided her towards the bedroom. The moments they entered the bedroom.

Ritik: go change your dress, I think you are uncomfortable in this. I think it's heavy.

Sonakshi nodded in agreement and smiled with the thought that he cares for her.

Ritik POV

Yes I am happy, now I can use my money without any problem and I can also do whatever I want, but first let's taste this kitten. She thinks I love her, he smirked at that thought. A playboy like me can never fall in love.

I just want two things money and fun with girls. He laughed thinking all this, now I am married and dad is far away and because of business issues, he has to travel a lot. So basically it means I am free and now I can go clubbing just like before.

While he was in his thoughts Sonakshi came out of the bathroom in her nightdress. He started staring at her from head to toe then he came closer to her and said in her ear.

When started talking because of his hot and deep voice Sonakshi felt a shiver down her sprain.

Ritik: I will be back, be ready it's a long and rough night.

Sonakshi was so nervous that she didn't say anything.

She sat on the bed and started playing with her fingers because of her nervousness. While she was in her thoughts after sometime ritik also came out of the bathroom. He drooped the towel on the sofa which was he carrying for drying his hair.

He started coming towards her and slowly and steadily now, he was hovering over her fully. She was so nervous that her breath started being uneven, he was enjoying her innocent looks.

Ritik: Let me know after the demonstration, who was good, me or your ex-boyfriends.

Sonakshi: I never had any boyfriend you are my first kiss also.

Ritik: that means you never done that then you are. By her, he guessed that she didn't know anything. "OK don't worry I will teach everything, just do one thing be a good student.

He started touching her face from one hand and started undressing her from another, then he started kissing her passionately. He was dominant and his tongue was asking permission to enter her mouth, she was nervous and the thoughts of what is going to her next distracted her.

He squeezed her boobs and moan left her mouth, he took the chance and started exploring her mouth, and after he moved downward kissing every part of her body, his hands were still on her boobs. He was doing his work like a pro.

He didn't let her sleep the whole night, her body was filled with a lot of hickeys given by him. He had explored every part of her and given her a lot of rides the whole night.

Next morning,

Sonakshi POV

I slowly opened my and then tried to get up from the bed but I couldn't my whole body was aching and feels like I am torn apart. He was so rough last night and felt like a whole different person, oh god.

Just then the bathroom door was opened by my husband who made me like this. He was looking so good even now, yeah he would look because he was banging me the whole night that's why I am in pain right now.

He caught me looking at him.

Ritik: what happened wife? Why are you looking at me like that do you want more?

Sonakshi instantly said no and said she is in pain she can't get up then he lifted her in bridal style and helped her in her morning routine and while helping her in the morning routine, they had a make-out session also, he was about to take things farther but Sonakshi stopped him.

They had their breakfast, the maids were working and it was already 10 when they were having breakfast. Maids work from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Ritik: I have important work to do and then I have to attend a party with my friends. I might be late.

Sonakshi: can I come to the party also.

Ritik: actually no, only boys allowed.

Sonakshi: oh ok, I wanted to meet dad and Dikshya, you know dad is sick that I wanted to meet him.

Ritik: Oh sure, you can go enjoy, if they ask about me or if my dad asks about me then tell them that I was a little busy ok baby?

Sonakshi said ok that day in the afternoon, Sonakshi meet her family and spent a good time on her way back home she purchased some books also. She asked the maids not to cook dinner then she cooked dinner of her choice because Ritik was at a party so he going to have his dinner there, she made a delicious dinner enjoyed her time while listening to music.

After having her dinner, she started going towards her bedroom with the book she purchased today. She started reading that book. It was 8 O'CLOCK at that time after some time when she got bored. She looked it was already 10, she called him to know when he is going to come but he didn't pick up her call.

On the other hand, Ritik was busy clubbing and cheating on her wife with the club girls.

Sonakshi's POV

I think I should message and wait. She messaged and thought to read her course books to keep her awake. After some time she noticed it was already 12. She again messaged him but there was no reply from him. She again called him in hopes to know when he is going to come.

After trying a lot she thought he is a party and because of music or any other problem, he might not be able to pick up my call. I should worry too much, he will be okay, and he should be enjoying his friends and should give him freedom and trust because there is no relationship without trust. I think I should sleep, then she slept.

Ritik POV

It was a great night, I had a lot of fun tonight. I noticed the time on my watch and it's already 2 a.m. I thought to go home and rest now, I reached my home in nearly 30 minutes and then started going towards my bedroom. Without thinking anything else I removed my shoes and my shirt and slept on my bed.

Next morning,

Sonakshi POV

I opened my eyes, stretched my body a bit, and stood up from my bed then I noticed Ritik he looked tired and didn't realize when he came. I came closer to her, stared at him lovingly, and touched his face, his whole body was smelling like alcohol, it feels like he bathed in alcohol. I think he enjoyed it a lot.

I shrugged off my thoughts it was already 7 then I started doing my morning routine. After doing all my morning routine it was already 8 a.m. I started going downwards, I instructed the maids to ready my breakfast and make a hangover soup also.

I started watching television and decided not to ask him any questions to him about that night, I think I shouldn't annoy him like that, after some time the maid informed me that my breakfast is ready. I ate my breakfast and started studying my course-book of university because I have exams after 2 months.

In the afternoon he came into the living area and it's already 2 p.m. he had already taken bath and now he was well-dressed then I served him his hangover soup because he might have a headache right now.

He thanked me for the soup and after some time I served him lunch, I also started serving myself and started having my lunch also after having our lunch. We started going towards the living room then he said, "Sorry yesterday I didn't notice calls because of the loud music"

She said, "It's ok, I understand." He said, "Let's go for a dinner date tonight". She smiled and said okay. They both enjoy the dinner date and again a long night like the first night. A month went well.