Chapter 032 : Shimen Yihshyong

He took out the contents of the envelope one by one. It contained a piece of paper, a photo, and what appeared to be a map. The piece of paper was full of handwriting. The writer, whoever he was, wrote the writing on the paper in red ink. Usually, people write in black or blue ink. People only used red ink in certain situations. For example, when a teacher was giving low grades to a student. People could not write essential letters or documents in red ink.

Shannchyuan read the scribbles on the paper seriously. The writing was irregular. It was not an essay or explanation intentionally written for others to read. It was more like a personal note written just as a reminder. The irregular shape showed that the scribbles were not written at the same time. So it most likely referred to different things.

They had seen the notes Songfei made many times. When designing a mystery game, Songfei usually took careful note of everything he thought about. So, they all already knew what Songfei's writing was like. The scribbles on the paper were not Songfei's writing at all. However, if it wasn't Songfei's writing, then it was hard to believe that there was no note that Songfei had made at all in that bag. The big blue bag was supposed to be Songfei's, so it made sense that at least there was Songfei's handwriting in the notes in the bag.

Then they turned their attention to another object, which was a map. This map was literally just a white paper sheet the size of a folio drawn in black, blue, and red ink. It didn't look like an actual map, but all agree that thing looked almost like a map.

There was the sound of approaching footsteps. Yinqyueh, who had been looking at the plants in the backyard, suddenly appeared in the living room. She immediately stood in front of Shannchyuan. "Looks like you forgot to water the plants, huh? Can I borrow the water hose? Let me water the plants for a while."

Shannchyuan turned to Shinnshiow. "Isn't there a hose in the backyard?"

Shinnshiow seemed to wake up from something. "Oh yeah. Three days ago, the next-door neighbor borrowed our water hose. Until now, he has not returned it yet. I'll go over there to get it back."

"Mister Shiuander or Mister Horngshi?" Asked Yihshyong. Shiuander Janji was their neighbor who lived in the house to their left. He was the one who received the package two days ago. Meanwhile, Horngshi Gauchyh was their neighbor who lived in the house to their right.

"Mister Horngshi!" Shinnshiow's voice was steadfast. After saying that, Shinnshiow immediately came out and went to the next house to ask for their water hose.

While waiting for Shinnshiow to return, Yinqyueh sat in the living room. Her gaze swept over some items on the table. Then she leaned closer to the photo. The image looked like an old photograph, but the picture was still evident. In the photo, seven people were standing. Yinqyueh looked at the faces. Yihshyong observed Shannchyuan noticed what Yinqyueh was doing. Maybe Shannchyuan hoped the girl would make a surprise.

"This person," Yinqyueh said, pointing to one face in the photo.

Yihshyong, Shannchyuan, and others followed Yinqyueh's finger toward one face there.

Yinqyueh continued her words. "This is the woman who I saw yesterday!"