Chapter 033 : Dongfang Jenqyih

Everyone present in the living room, including Dongfang Jenqyih, raised their heads. They gazed at Yinqyueh's face. The girl seemed absolutely sure of what she had just said.

"Is she the woman you saw in the car yesterday?" With super serious faces, their dahge stared at the girl. Evidently, he was trying to emphasize it was really what the girl meant.

"Right. This is the woman I saw here in the car!" The girl's tone of voice was full of confidence.

Jenqyih clasped his hands together. For a moment, he closed his eyes.


Jenqyih opened his eyes. He shook his head. "But, there's something odd."

"Yes, Yihge is right! They shouldn't even be too similar," said Iren.

Yinqyueh looked at Iren and Jenqyih. Apparently, she did not understand the direction of the conversation between the two Shannchyuan friends.

Shannchyuan smiled. "Let me explain." He looked straight at the girl. "This photo is an old photo. So the people in this photo should be old by now. While the woman you saw yesterday is the same age as the woman in this photo. So it seems unlikely that they are the same person."

Yinqyueh was stunned to hear Shannchyuan's words. "That's right. Usually, I'm always aware of things like that. Somehow this time, I didn't even think about such a simple thing."

"It does not matter." Shannchyuan's voice was very soft. "You think so much about it, so there were some details you forgot. That kind of reaction is spontaneous. So it's only natural."

The girl nodded slowly. It was clear that she still had doubts.

"Of course, there is always the possibility that this photo is actually a new photo, which, because of certain techniques, can look like an old photo," said Shannchyuan.

"Or maybe the woman you saw yesterday is actually old. He looks young because he underwent health therapy that can rejuvenate the skin. Or maybe he has had plastic surgery," said Yihshyong.

"But..." Yinqyueh muttered. "I know they may not be the same person. But the woman in this photo really does look like the woman from yesterday."

From the tone of her voice and the look on her face, Jenqyih judged that the girl still believed that the woman she saw yesterday was identical to the person in the photo. Maybe, at this time, the girl was confused, so it was only natural that her thoughts and feelings were going in the opposite direction.

"It is possible that the two of them are very similar. It's not impossible that there are two people who are exactly the same in this world." Shannchyuan patted Yinqyueh's shoulder. He might have been just comforting the girl.

"Has Dahge ever seen two people who were exactly the same even though they weren't related by blood?" Iren asked.

"Yeah, roughly so. I recently met someone who physically looked exactly the same as someone I knew more than twenty years ago. Not only her face but also her skin color, body shape, even the way she walked." Shannchyuan said with a face as if he was remembering something. "In any case, we can't rule out the notion that the kidnapping incident has something to do with what Songfei is currently dealing with. We can use this incident as a clue."

Jenqyih noticed Shannchyuan was frowning in such a way that he looked older than usual. Their dahge was racking his brains.

Jenqyih raised his right hand. "Perhaps we should go to the Dahfeisy Tower to find any other clues Songfei might have in store. It could be that he didn't realize he was keeping something important. These notebooks, photographs and maps are not enough for us to start our investigation."

"After all, the location shown on this map is most likely not far from the Dahfeisy Tower," Yihshyong said.

"When Songfei called me yesterday, he seemed to be hiding. I mean, he really doesn't have the freedom to go anywhere. So if he stays in hiding, I don't think anything bad will happen to him in the near future," said Shannchyuan.

"What if those thugs find his hiding place?" Yihshyong asked.

"About that matter." Shannchyuan stopped talking for a while. "We can only hope that the thugs won't find Songfei so quickly." After looking around him, he continued his speech. "Tomorrow morning, we go to the Dahfeisy Tower to see if there are any other clues scattered in the unit that Songfei rented. Things I might not have noticed yesterday."

Everyone present there agreed with Shannchyuan's decision.