Yihshyong looked around them. He realized the garage was actually a continuation of the alley. So it could be said, the garage was built by covering the top of some parts of the alley. The building was so long. It made sense because the place was actually the alley where their car was turning sharply.
After walking about a hundred yards, they came to the other end of the garage. They saw a sedan parked there. Gongshi reached into his pocket. He took out a car key. After opening the front door, he got into the car without the slightest hesitation.
From inside the car, Gongshi unlocked the other doors of the car.
Iren and Jinqkang turned to Yihshyong.
"Gentlemen, please come in!" Gongshi's voice sounded so friendly, yet firm at the same time.
Without saying any words, the three of them got into the car. Their position was exactly the same as when they were in the previous car. Jinqkang was in the front while Iren and Yihshyong sat in the back.
"Wait a minute, Sir! I start the engine first," said Gongshi.
Yihshyong nodded. "Please, Sir."
"The car also can't leave immediately, Sir. I think it will take us about three minutes for the car to be ready to drive on the road," said Gongshi.
Yihshyong and Iren nodded. They just smiled, said nothing. Jinqkang instead froze in his seat while staring outside.
After starting the car, Gongshi then got out of the car.
"What did he do?" Iren asked.
Gongshi opened the garage door in front of them.
"Is this the place belonging to the Mingju Family?" Yihshyong poked Jinqkang's shoulder.
"I don't know, Sir! I haven't worked for Mr. Tsaehorng for a long time. Only about three months. Obviously I could not be compared to Mr. Gongshi, who had been more than forty years of serving them."
Gongshi was back again. The old man smiled at them. He started the car. The car came out through the garage door that Gongshi had just opened.
Arriving outside, Gongshi stopped the car again. He got out of the car to close and lock the garage door from the outside. Now they were in another alley, which was exactly the same as the one they had left. It was clear that these two alleys were actually the same alley, which was interrupted by a long garage.
"Let's wait about a minute, Sir!" Gongshi said.
"Okay!" Yihshyong nodded quickly.
"Perhaps you are surprised by what just happened," said Gongshi. "Now allow me to explain a little."