Chapter 254 : Shimen Yihshyong

The old man took a deep breath.


"This alley and garage are the property of the Mingju Family. Their function is to deal with emergency and unexpected things. Examples are like what we just experienced."


"But what if someone was in the alley?" Iren suddenly cut off Gongshi's words.


"Iren," said Yihshyong. "Let Mr. Gongshi finish his speech."

"Sorry Dahge." Iren bowed respectfully in a sitting position. "Sorry, Mr. Gongshi."

"It's all right, Sir," said Gongshi. "That was a gamble for me too. I also can't be sure that this alley will always be empty."

Yihshyong, Iren, and Jinqkang nodded at Gongshi's explanation.


"Is this your own initiative, or did Mr. Tsaehorng order you?" Iren leaned forward.

"As I said earlier, Mr. Tsaehorng didn't have time to say much on the phone. But before he hung up, he said three specific words. The words are secret codes to carry out an instruction about what I have to do if an emergency occurs. In essence, young master Tsaehorng ordered me to change cars if certain things happened that threatened the safety of the passengers. Earlier I saw we were being followed. I tried to lead our stalker to this area. After confirming that we were indeed being followed, then I carried out this plan."

"Wow! This is very stressful. But anyway, we thank you," said Yihshyong.

"I'm just doing my job, Sir," said Gongshi. "All right! I think we can move on now!"

"What about the car that was following us?" Jinqkang, who had not been talking much, this time opened his mouth.

"I can only hope that the car has left the area around here, Sir," said Gongshi.


Gongshi started running the car. Their distance to the end of the alley was about fifty meters. Immediately, they arrived at the end of the alley. The car turned left. The road turned out to be a one -way road. Just like the other end of the alley, the distance was only a few meters from the big road. In a short time, the vehicle they were traveling in had returned to the big road.

After deviating slightly from the original direction, the car returned to the right direction, namely Chyhjoong Park. At an intersection, they stopped. While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, Yihshyong looked around their car.

Even though they were quite far from their house, Yihshyong saw some familiar things. Just like some of the other crossroads in Pyngyuan and the surrounding areas, there were also many hawkers at the crossroads.

Many of the hawkers were selling their merchandise aggressively to the passengers in the car when the car stopped at the intersection. Things like that were sometimes very disturbing. But it was a reality that people must face. The items they offered were very diverse. Starting from children's toys, stationery, body hygiene products, to small electronic devices. Some even offered a raft made of plastic. The raft must be filled with air. The way it works was similar to swimming tires or floaties used by children when they learn to swim.


The traffic lights turned green. Gongshi started running the car. Their car would run straight across the intersection. Everything looked safe. Their journey would take place smoothly. However, suddenly, on the right, there was a car that drove at high speed.


Gongshi tried to put the brakes on the vehicle, but nobody knew what was in the mind of the driver of the car that drove fast. He instead slammed the steering wheel to the left. Both cars then collided. Not only that. Because Gongshi braked suddenly, the car behind them did not have time to brake. The car crashed into their car from behind.