Suddenly, someone fell to the floor. The man just collapsed. He seemed to be one cook in the kitchen. At this moment, he groaned while clutching his chest. Akimasa ran to the kitchen door and banged on it with all his might. Several people followed in his footsteps. Apart from banging on the door, they also banged on the cooking utensils there, making a deafening noise.
The kitchen door opened. A gunman entered inside while still holding his gun. Akimasa and several others took three or four steps back.
"What is wrong?" The gunman snapped.
They all pointed at the person, who was still groaning in pain. He was holding his chest while he was still lying on the floor. There were currently two people kneeling beside the person lying on the floor. One of the two people who tried to provide first aid was Gonda. Akimasa then remembered that in her resume, Gonda wrote she had studied at a nursing school. Even if it only lasted six months. Akimasa didn't know why Gonda had only studied there for half a year. Akimasa got no further information about it. It seems that Gonda never explained to anyone the reason he left the school. Soon after, Gonda moved to another city to help her aunt running a small restaurant for a few months.
"Ah!" The gunman sighed. Akimasa didn't know what that person was thinking. But from the look on his face, it seemed that he was annoyed but also worried. He then shouted for his friend, who was guarding outside the kitchen, to come in. After his friend was inside, he immediately went out. Most likely, he would report to their leader in the main room.
Akimasa quickly followed the person. The armed men who came later immediately confronted him.
"Where are you going, sir?"
Akimasa ventured to answer the question in a firm voice.
"I have to speak to your leader."