Chapter 561 : Random Scene 37

Akimasa didn't know if his voice sounded firm enough or sounded like someone scared.

"You should not! You must stay here. As soon as our business is done, then you are free to leave here."

"I am a journalist. I will listen to what you want. I can act as a mouthpiece for your aspirations."

Akimasa knew his words meant nothing. His job as a journalist did not mean that he could help people who felt that their rights have been taken away by certain parties. There were many cases where journalists actually became mouthpieces for those who oppressed the helpless citizen. But at least he had to try. After hearing Akimasa's words, the gunman seemed to think for a while. He then changed his mind.

"I understand! But only one person!" The gunman pointed at Akimasa.

Before leaving, Akimasa turned to Gonda. He saw Gonda holding the person lying on the floor. Akimasa hoped Gonda could provide first aid.

Then Akimasa rushed towards the main room.

"Is there any doctor or nurse here? I repeat, is there any healthcare worker in this room!"

When he arrived at the main room, Nakatsura saw the person who had pointed a gun to the forehead of Yabuta Matane's Secretary was yelling at the diners, who were sitting down in fear. Right now, except for the invaders, everyone present was sitting on the floor with their hands tied.

After a few seconds of silence, then one person stood up.

"I am a doctor. But not a specialist. Just an ordinary general practitioner."

That person was a man in his mid-thirties. He was wearing a shirt that looked quite expensive. After that, a woman in her fifties also stood up.

"I am the head nurse at Kamimochi Hospital!"

"Good! The two of you, please follow this person," said the leader of the gang to the two medics. He was pointing to the gunman who had been guarding the kitchen door.