Daoday Jeryee opened Linqhwu Jiannjyh's bedroom door. He pushed Shannchyuan's wheelchair all the way inside.
"In ten minutes I will fetch His Majesty," said Daoday Jeryee. After that, he rushed out of the room.
The bed that was empty was now filled. Linqhwu Jiannjyh's roommate was already in the room.
"This is my roommate, Shannfu Wenren," Linqhwu Jiannjyh introduced the person who was lying on the bed next to him. Linqhwu Jiannjyh's roommate was a young man who was around twenty-five or twenty-six years old.
"Good afternoon, Your Majesty!" Shannfu Wenren immediately got up from the bed.
"You just lie there. I'm only going to talk a minute." Shannchyuan felt a little guilty.
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Shannfu Wenren bowed her body deeply.
"Do we often play chess together?" Shannchyuan asked.
Shannfu Wenren laughed. "No, Your Majesty. I'm not good at playing chess. So Your Majesty only plays chess with Teacher Linqhwu."
"Teacher?" Shannchyuan turned quickly to Linqhwu Jiannjyh.
"I am a teacher, Your Majesty," replied Linqhwu Jiannjyh.
"Ah! Your students must miss a teacher as good at chess as you."
"No, Your Majesty. They are usually happy if I don't come to teach." Linqhwu Jiannjyh laughed.
Shannchyuan joined in the laughter.
"What is it that Your Majesty wishes to convey?" asked Shannfu Wenren.
"I'm here to say goodbye," said Shannchyuan.
"Ah! Regarding that matter, I already know, Your Majesty," said Linqhwu Jiannjyh.
"How did you know?"
"This friend of mine overheard some people's conversation while he was in the laboratory."
Shannchyuan turned his head back to Shannfu Wenren.
"While I was lying on a bed in a room in the laboratory, I overheard the conversation of some technicians who were there. They said that they had heard that the imperial army already knew the position of this underground bunker that served as a secret hospital."
"So, that's what happened," said Shannchyuan.
"The technicians said they heard rumors that the imperial army was about to invade this place!"
"Wow! Turns out I woke up just in time!"
"That's right, Your Majesty!" replied Linqhwu Jiannjyh.
"Aren't you going to be transferred somewhere else?" Shannchyuan asked.
"We are nothing, Your Majesty. The rebel group will have nothing to lose if the imperial army manages to seize this place and free us."
Shannchyuan nodded. But in his heart he doubted the last sentence that Shannfu Wenren said. If these two people were just ordinary people, then the rebels had no reason to keep them captive in an underground bunker whose existence was top-secret. Shannchyuan estimated that the two people were also important people.
Suddenly, the door of the room opened. Longshern Liingchern, Chianshow Jiehduh, and Senyuan Dahher came rushing into the room. Their faces were very tense.
"It hasn't been ten minutes yet!" Shannchyuan said in a loud voice.
Senyuan Dahher suddenly kneeled in front of Shannchyuan.
"Please forgive me, Your Majesty! There's been a change of plans. We have to get Your Majesty out of this place right now!"
Linqhwu Jiannjyh and Shannfu Wenren said nothing. They just looked at each other. Shannchyuan realized that meant the Imperial Army had almost succeeded in storming into the bunker. Most likely, they were trying hard to break into the underground bunker gate.
"Okay!" Shannchyuan nodded. He looked fixedly at Linqhwu Jiannjyh and Shannfu Wenren. "I'll go first. Take care of yourselves!"
Chianshow Jiehduh, deputy head of Shannchyuan's bodyguard team, pushed Shannchyuan's wheelchair out of the room. Outside the room, Shannchyuan saw one more person he had never seen before. That person was wearing the same costume as Chianshow Jiehduh and Longshern Liingchern. He bowed respectfully when he saw Shannchyuan coming out of the room. He was carrying a large bag containing Shannchyuan's belongings.
Senyuan Dahher, Longshern Liingchern, Chianshow Jiehduh, and the other person glanced at each other for a moment. Senyuan Dahher nodded. After that, they all moved away from the front door of Linqhwu Jiannjyh's room. Chianshow Jiehduh pushed a wheelchair down the hospital corridor. After arriving at the end of the hall, they faced an iron door.
"Your Majesty!" Longshern Liingchern made a sound while half whispering. "Now, we must do something that might make Your Majesty feel uncomfortable."
Shannchyuan smiled. "I understand!"
"Thank you, Your Majesty," Senyuan Dahher replied. The hospital director was standing behind Shannchyuan.
"But I have one request."
Shannchyuan imagined Senyuan Dahher's face would turn pale again as soon as the hospital director heard what he had just said.
"Please, Your Majesty, make the request!" This time, the answer was Longshern Liingchern.
"Throughout the journey that we will do, maybe I will ask a few questions. I want you to answer these questions honestly."
A moment of silence.
"Very well, Your Majesty! We will do our best to answer all of Your Majesty's questions!" Longshern Liingchern complied with Shannchyuan's request.
"Thank you." Shannchyuan nodded firmly. "Now you may do what you must do."
Longshern Liingchern took out a black cloth from the small bag on his back. Then he picked up another thing that looked like a ski mask but instead of the eye holes it had the ear parts.
"Ah! So I have to wear a blindfold," said Shannchyuan.
Longshern Liingchern put the cloth over Shannchyuan's eyes. The black cloth was really thick. Shannchyuan could see nothing. After that, Shannchyuan felt that another cloth was put on his head. From the texture of the cloth against the skin of his face, Shannchyuan deduced that this second cloth was something like the ski mask he had just seen.
"Don't worry! I can't see anything," said Shannchyuan.
"Thank you, Your Majesty." Senyuan Dahher's voice sounded.
Then there was the sound of a door being opened. The wheelchair that Shannchyuan was riding in then started to move. From the footsteps he heard, Shannchyuan deduced that the four people were still accompanying him.
The wheelchair didn't always move in a straight line. Several times they turned. Shannchyuan didn't try to remember the twists and turns he went through. He knew it was unlikely that he would return to that place again. So there's no point in remembering things like that.
They stopped at a place. Shannchyuan heard a sound like an elevator door opening. Chianshow Jiehduh, or maybe someone else, pushed the wheelchair forward. After hearing the elevator doors closing, Shannchyuan felt they were moving down.
Nearly two minutes later, the movement stopped. It seemed they had reached the floor they were aiming for. After hearing the elevator doors opening, the wheelchair moved forward again. About ten meters, the wheelchair stopped again.
"Sorry, Your Majesty!" Senyuan Dahher's voice returned. "I can only escort you here. Next, Commander Longshern will escort you to safety."
It turns out that Senyuan Dahher has to return to where we were before. I hope nothing bad will happen to him.
"Thank you, Mister Senyuan," said Shannchyuan. "I hope someday we can meet again."
"I hope so too, Your Majesty!"
Shannchyuan felt a palm gripping his hand.
"Farewell, Your Majesty!"
"See you soon! Take good care of yourself," said Shannchyuan.
After that, things became quiet. Faintly, Shannchyuan could hear the elevator door opening.
"Can I ask a question now?"
Shannchyuan didn't expect too much. It was possible that Longshern Liingchern was reluctant to answer the questions he raised.
"Please, Your Majesty!" Unlike before, Longshern Liingchern's voice sounded so loud.
"Have the Imperial Army managed to storm into the hospital where I was treated earlier?"
"When we left there, they had not managed to storm their way in. The last report I received said they were still trying to break into the entrance to the underground hospital."
"But have they made it into the bunker yet?"
Things were quiet for a few moments. It was about ten seconds later that Shannchyuan could hear Longshern Liingchern's reply.
"That's right, Your Majesty. The Imperial Army soldiers have already made their way into the underground bunker. But they haven't managed to break through the underground hospital entrance yet."
"Ah! So, only part of the bunker is being used as a hospital."
"That's right, Your Majesty!"
"So, where are we now?"
"There are several exits from the bunker. This is one of several other exits."
"So, what are we waiting for now?"
Before Longshern Liingchern had time to answer Shannchyuan's question, there was a noise coming from the front.
"We're all set, Commander!"
Shannchyuan heard another sound. Apparently, the noise came from a group of soldiers who had just come out of nowhere.
"Now let's get out of this place!" Longshern Liingchern answered in a loud and firm voice.
The wheelchair started moving again. This time, they moved quickly. Much faster than before. Shannchyuan could feel that they were moving uphill. The longer the road they walked, the steeper the incline. Until they finally stopped.
Shannchyuan didn't know exactly how long their journey would take. By his estimation, the journey through this ascending passage had taken between twenty-five to thirty minutes, from the time they had separated from Senyuan Dahher. They had not removed the rags and ski mask on Shannchyuan's head. So, the journey definitely won't end soon.
Suddenly, there was a noise. The soldiers shouted. Less than fifteen seconds later, Shannchyuan smelled something. Instantly, he felt so dizzy and weak.
What gas is this?
It didn't last long. Shannchyuan's head felt so heavy.
Oh! Am I going to faint again? If it's true, I hope I won't have amnesia again.
A gunshot was heard.
Hopefully, everything won't last too long. I'm so tired!