Chapter 608 : Random Scene 01

The police were already on guard around this place. There was no way the man could escape, but he still had a gun ready to fire when the law enforcement rushed in. Gonda Mano held her breath. She thought if only she had got a better plan beforehand.

She didn't regret her boss's decision to ask her to follow Nakatsura Akimasa's plan. She just felt that she could have done better. Although Nakatsura really had dragged her into a situation that endangered her safety, she admitted that what Nakatsura had done was still much better than what she would had done.

Mano's memory then drifted to the series of things that had happened to her since this morning.

Gonda Mano had worked at Koidoi Publication, which was a very famous publishing company. Twenty years ago, Doi Yokuba, a renowned billionaire, had bought Yamakoi Publication, a publishing company on the verge of bankruptcy. Doi Yokuba had changed the company's name to Koidoi Publications. Since then, Koidoi Publication had become part of the Doikane Business Group and had progressed pretty fast. Since ten years ago, Koidoi Publication had grown into the third-largest publishing company in this city and its surrounding areas. Koidoi Publications had many divisions. Mano worked as a journalist at Ichiyume, a magazine published by Koidoi Publications.

This morning Nakatsura came to Mano's office. He met Uda Harido, Mano's superior. Nakatsura was a freelance journalist who often wrote for Ichiyume magazine. As a freelance writer, he sent his writings to many magazines and newspapers. But he mostly sold his stories to Ichiyume. This time he brought news about Tsukamoto Tori.