About fifteen minutes later, Kaneuma returned to the ground floor. He then pointed to the group of people still sitting on the floor. Yabuta Matane looks very pale. From the look in his sad eyes, Akimasa guessed that at this time, perhaps the old man was regretting his decision to hold an event at this place.
The raiders then ordered the eleven people who had been sitting on the floor to stand up. At first, Akimasa thought that the gang would turn the people into fake criminals to outwit the police, as they had just done with the twelve Shinkanyo employees. But apparently, Natsura's guess was wrong.
"Okay, now you can go," Kaneuma shouted, pointing to his six men. The six of them then led the eleven captives out of the room. They all moved towards the kitchen.
Kaneuma once again looked around at him. He looked at this place with eyes as if this was the last time he could enjoy the atmosphere of this place. Then he turned towards Akimasa. With light steps, he walked towards Nakatsura. He bent down and whispered the words in Nakatsura's ear.
"I know that as a journalist, you must be curious. Under different circumstances, maybe we can be friends. My name is Kaneuma Masayori. Perhaps someday we will meet again. See you!"