Kaneuma then returned to where he had been standing. Just then, on the stairs appeared many people. It turned out that the members of the gang who had been at the top were descending together. From the direction of the dressing room, briefing room, and back door, other people also appeared. They all then saluted Kaneuma and walked out of the room to head towards the kitchen. It looked like they were about to start running away right now.
Kaneuma turned on his walkie-talkie.
"This is Kaneuma!"
There was no response from Kiushi or the other police officers. Kaneuma spoke again through his walkie-talkie.
"This is Kaneuma!"
Still no answer. After waiting for about a minute, the answer came.
"This is Kiushi. Please be patient for a moment. We are working to fulfill your request as soon as possible. Please don't do anything unnecessary. Over!"
"This is Kaneuma! I suggest you immediately switch professions. It seems many people on your side don't really care what you have to say. If this continues, you will only become a laughingstock. There are currently troops on your side walking down the sewers under this building. They were already preparing to storm into this place. There are several entrances for them. Among them are in one corner of the garage in the back, in one of the outhouse cubicles in the men's room, and right where I am standing right now. I think they're just waiting for orders to rush in. If I may, I suggest. And may they hear. I'm not kidding about this. On this first floor, there are twenty bombs that I have installed. On the other floors, there were thirty bombs. The total is fifty bombs. I think you know what will happen if suddenly your troop rushes in here! Over!"