Chapter 12 (the special Banquet)

Narrator- A few days , weeks have passed, Selena and Leone's is getting along and being closed to each other

-the day their leaving to go to New York-

-Selena's sad Nervous reaction-

Leone- Nervous?

Selena- S-Sir , uhm kind of

Leone- How are you gonna find you're parents in New York alone? Do you know where they live? Their address?

Selena- that's the problem I'm gonna search For them ask someone

Leone- That's not how it works , I'll help you with it

Selena- T-Thank you Sir I owe you one

Leone- Oh you sure do

-Leone's face come closer to Selena's face-

Selena's perspective (oh boy… why is he so close to me)

Leone's perspective (she really is blushing when it comes to me)

- 19hours and 31 minutes later, in LaGuardia Airport (LGA) New York -

Troy- Ackk… my bootie hurts so bad , but thank god we've finally arrive I really need to get up

Elijah- Cause you need to exercise you're *ss

-everyone laughs-

Troy- Eyy my butt is special you know

-In the hotel they were staying in to-

Leone- is everyone ready?

Andrew- we are

-40 minutes later in the venue , "Conrad Hotel" where the banquet will gonna hold-

Selena- whoah , this is really big and luxurious

Leone- that's how what they want

Elijah- Liam , you should choose some chicks here

Liam- I don't have time for this girls

-everyone gossiping , wow who are these handsomes? Who are these families? Are they a business partners of the Gray's?-

Rose Gray- Hey… Leone Wang the CEO of the Wang's Corporation and the son of the Founder of the Wang's Corporation , you've guys gonna arrive I've been waiting for all of you

Marina Wang- Nice to meet you Mrs?

Rose Gray- Gray, Rose Gray. Nice to meet you and you're family

Leone- I like the preparation for this banquet Mrs. Gray

Rose Gray- Thank you , I really make sure that this banquet is gonna be good for all of my business partners

Andrew- Lots of chicks too

-Liam hit Andrew's left arm with Liam's left arm too-

-an hour later-

-Selena with her phone-

Leone- so did you find some information? Are they here right now?

Selena- I don't know yet (Selena with a sad reaction)

Leone's perspective (welp)

Rose Gray- (with a mic) Good evening everyone! As you know that I'm having a banquet right now… as for my business partners I hope you guys are enjoying this thank you

Andrew- wow she really are some kind of loud person

*everyones gossiping around* whoah their back , who are they ? Are they Mrs. Gray's Business partners too?

-while Troy , Jacob , Leone , Andrew, Elijah , Liam and the others look in that direction-

Liam- Who the h*ck are those?!

Troy- Ahhm did Mrs. Gray told to us to wear black? Cause definitely their all wearing black

Jacob- as far as I know she didn't and it's you who want to wear whatever the f*ck you wanna wear in her banquet

Selena's perspective (why are they wearing fancy black clothes? I feel like this gonna be a funeral)

Leone- Their not just a normal business partners

Larry Wan- D*nm their presence is very strong , the way they walk in I already felt it

-Meanwhile down stairs-

Rose Gray- Oh there you are , how are you guys? Been a while year since we saw each other

Unknown person 1 - Me too

Unknown person 2- No offense but this banquet is boring as f*ck

Unknown person 3 - shut your mouth you filthy husband of mine

Rose Gray- Oh c'mon , still like the compliment. Anyways I have some new business partners from Beijing

Unknown person 4- we can tell

-while their looking to the families-

-an hour have passed again-

-Selena walking with a glass of wine 🍷-

- suddenly *bam*-

Selena- I'm so sorry I didn't mean to

Nara- Oh my f*cking gosh my dress, you stupid id*ot watch where your going

Selena- I'm sorry again please let me help you clean your dress

Nara- don't touch me!! I don't allowed some random poor people touch my luxurious

Leone- Nara!! Stop , she already said sorry she didn't mean it

Nara- Brother she did that on purpose she wanted to ruin my dress

Liam- We know what we saw right? We're not blind

Elijah- basically you're the one who bump into her

Nara- Brothers please believe me , she really did it on purpose. She's jealous of me because she can't have what I have she's just a poor little low life person

Unknown person 5- Who the f*ck said she's a poor low life?!!

-everyone look in front of them-

Nara- who are you? Mind you're own business