Chapter 11 (New York: and their closeness)

Larry Wan- So you two went to he's house to get this "man" who secretly a spy for this PA of yours?

Oliver Wang- that's why that day you two were gone

Leone- Yeah he's a spy but I saw him too in the company , and I ask him and he said he's spying on Selena because hes "Boss" ask him to

Jonathan Liang- Ahhhh this girl is something else

Troy- So anyways dad , uncles how are you it's been a long time I never got to tell you how was the-

Justin Li- You just saw us in Taiwan , and now you're gonna ask us how are we!!

Liam- Dad how was the Marine?

Victor Chen- Were all fine , we still protecting the Naval bases in southeast China sea

Leone- But I thought you're gonna take a leave for a vacation uncle?

Victor Chen- oh I will don't worry , after this month I'll leave for a while to have a break

*phone rings*

Leone- ahh that's my cue to leave , see you later oče (oče means father in Serbian)

-Meanwhile outside Leone's house-

Leone- What you doing here outside Selena?

Selena- oh I'm just catching some fresh air. What about you sir?

Leone- Oh uhm- I just want to thank you for what you did if it weren't for the help we could have-

Selena- it's not a problem Sir , I'm you're PA I'm supposed to be doing what is right to do

-They suddenly look each other-

Selena's perspective (oh boy… this man really knows how to handle things, he really know what's he's doing. Is this for real)

-Leone suddenly look away-

Leone's perspective ( Hahaha she's blushing) with a smirk

Selena's perspective (oh no is that too much? Did he notice me? Oh no)

-next day , *phone rings*-

Selena- hello

Detective Maria- Good morning Selena, hope I didn't wake you up

Selena- oh no no you didn't , do you have news for me?

Detective Maria- Well I have good news and bad news , what you wanna hear first?

Selena- Uhmm… uhh… let's go to good news first

Detective Maria- alright the good news is we found you're real parents

Selena- what!?? (Selena's with a shock reaction)

Detective Maria- the bad news is… their not here in Beijing , their miles miles away

Selena- w-what? Do you know what country are they?

Detective Maria- well it's really far away from Beijing , but their in New York City

Selena's perspective (New York t-their in New York) Selena with sad reaction

Selena- I will go to New York , no matter what I need to find them. Thank you Detective Maria for helping me

Detective Maria- of course that's my job honey

-meanwhile in Wang's Corporation-

Selena- Sir here's you're coffee (Selena with a happy attitude)

Leone's perspective (what's wrong with this girl? She never like this before especially in the morning)

Leone- did you arranged the papers from our business partner from Mrs. Gray? I need to sign that fast

Selena- Wait Sir we have a new business partner?

Leone- You don't know?!

Selena- aarhmm…

Leone- God… this girl!! She's our new business partner from New York and she invited me and the families to go their as we sign the contract to do an investment with their company and the Wang's Company she said she's gonna hold a banquet.

Selena- wait wait wait Sir , did you just say New York?

Leone- uhh yeah why? Is there a problem with that

Selena- Sir I'm gonna ask a question, is it ok if I take a leave for the next few days I have to go to New York because I found my family and I wanted to see them

Leone- wh-

Selena- please sir , please please I know you're not gonna allow me , but please I really need to go I've been looking for them for the whole year of my life please

Leone- No!

Selena's perspective (n-No?) Selena with a sad reaction

Leone- Why are you gonna take a leave , when you can came with us to go their

Selena- really sir? Thank you so much sir

-Selena suddenly walk around and hug Leone tightly -

Leone-o-ok l-let me go f-first , I c-can't b-breathe

-earth to Selena-

Selena- oh right sorry Sir

-Meanwhile outside the office of Leone-

Troy- What was that? (Troy with a surprise reaction)

Jacob- Am I hallucinating or is it just me that I saw Leone and his PA hugging

Troy- You're not alone , im here too

-while they were pin into the wall facing the hallway

Jacob- Huh are you thinking what I think you're thinking? (Jacob with a smirk face)

Troy- Oh you bet (with a devilish smile)

Jacob- It's been a years since Leo is in relationship

Troy- wait , is that what you're thinking?

-jacob looks on Troy with a death stare-

Jacob- you didn't know what I meant when I said " are you thinking what I think you're thinking" , don't you?

Troy- uhh not really, not when I have in mind

Jacob- you stupid d*ck

-Jacob walk away and left Troy-

Troy- hey wait, where you going? *whisper*

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